Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Debate or (Financial) Debacle

OK, let me get this straight. For all intents and purposes we have two U.S. Senators running for the Presidency and we are facing an economic meltdown.

Let’s put this in the proper perspective. Warren Buffett, who I consider to be pretty financially astute, says this is an Economic “Pearl Harbor.”

My friends this is SERIOUS and the bottom line is that the NEXT President is going to have to be intimately involved in this bailout for a very long time. If you think the price tag (which you and I will be paying for) is going to be only $700 Billion dollars, you’re a financial idiot. It’s time the American people get their heads out of the sand and get their politicians back to work, working for US.

So today, John McCain states that he is shutting down his campaign and returning to Washington to deal with this problem. Meanwhile Barack Obama is saying that he will continue with his campaign because “…..we should be able to do more than one thing at the same time.”

OK, I am a voter. Right now I don’t want you to be out campaigning or debating. Trust me, I have heard, ad naseum, all the campaign promises and pathetic negative ads for what seems like years. ENOUGH, if I don’t know you by now, I’m not going to know any more in the next month. I want you back in Washington right now DOING YOUR JOB!!!!

You are running for President, but that doesn’t mean you are entitled to a pass when it comes to your responsibilities. If campaigning means more to you than doing what you were elected to do how the heck I can trust you in the White House. If you feel your job isn’t as important as campaigning, maybe you should resign and allow someone else, who takes it seriously, to be Senator.

Yes, Senator Obama is correct that you should be able to do more than one thing at a time. But can you explain to me how you think that campaigning / debating during this period of economic doom and gloom can possibly be a better choice than WORKING on the solution to the problem we are facing.

A large part of being President also is about acting Presidential. The American people deserve to see the person they elected being Presidential. If you can’t even rise to that occasion on the campaign trail, what should we assume you’ll do if you’re elected? Iran threatening to nuke Israel, Russia invading a ‘Stan…. Sorry folk’s I’m having “family time” at Camp David.

Senator Obama's colleagues in DC have told him that he was not needed in Washington. If you are a candidate for President, am I too believe that your presence in DC would not be reassuring to the American public. Showing the voters that you take this matter serious? Serious enough to be considered for the presidency?

Personally I’m worried; I don’t have a Senate salary or multi-million dollar book deals. Yet Senator Obama doesn't seem to concerned. He seems to believe that another talking-head debate is more important than being in Washington and showing his colleagues he sees this as a serious event?? Obama said it was “important we don’t infuse Capitol Hill with politics now.” No, God forbid we would actually want politicians doing their job in DC.

McCain called on Bush to convene a meeting of congressional leadership, in both chambers and parties, so that all the key players can be intimately involved and Obama balks at it. Yesterday Harry Reid, the Democratic Senate Majority Whip, says that if McCain doesn’t support the bail-out package that it wouldn’t get passed. But today, Reid calls McCain and says that he is not needed back in Washington? What the heck am I missing???

On Tuesday he is a key player, on Wednesday not so much??……. I’m saying it, PARTISIAN POLITICS!!!! ENOUGH!!! Act like the adults you are supposed to be and do the job you are paid to. Honestly, you guys were asleep at the wheel which has brought us to this point in the first place. Hello, can anyone say Rep. Barney Frank, D-Ma., Chairman of the House Committee on Financial Services. What have you guys been doing for the last two years ???

Every President knows that when the U.S. is facing a serious crisis they return to D.C. to be there physically to take the bull by the horns and to reassure the American people that they care and are standing watch during difficult times. Those who have not returned have had to endure the politic fallout for being “disconnected.”

Now Obama wants to remain on the campaign trail and debate Foreign policy, while our Economy is in serious jeopardy. Or as he put it “call me if you need me.” Oh, this really reassures me.

Here’s a novel idea……. DO THE JOB YOU’RE PAID TO DO FIRST!!!! Presidential politics aside for a moment, Obama is one of MY Senators. I want him in DC doing something, or at least looking like he is, about this financial fiasco. The fact that he feels that he doesn’t need to be there, makes me wonder. Maybe he doesn’t bring anything positive to possible solutions.

Being a presidential candidate isn’t about standing before a façade of Greek pillars looking like the re-incarnation of Zeus. It’s about saying what you are going to do to make our country better. What I want is a decisive leader, talking hard numbers and giving factual answers.

You know what on 2nd thought I agree with him. He isn’t needed back in DC. So, to steal some inspiration from Donald Trump: “YOU’RE FIRED!!!

The Angry American


  1. Andy at his best! I feel like I'm back on the 11th floor again. Keep it up, I'm spreading the word about you.

    The Angry Puerto Rican!

  2. If we were back on the 11th floor I'd be blowing you and Pansey Pete up in SOF !! H.A. Lives *Laugh*
