I was sitting here reading an article about the Bailout Debacle (Yes, I know... I have way to much free time) and the corresponding "reader comments" and it made me think. What in God's name do these people actually believe in and what the hell fantasy world do they live in?
I swear, for a moment I checked to make sure it was a political article and not some delusional sports magazine. Hello people wake up. These idiots are arguing like the Republicans and Democrats are some revered fantasy “political league” and it’s a week before the DC Porker Bowl.
But honestly, does anyone else see the comparison?
John McCain – Quarterback – The Washington Republicans
Barack Obama – Quarterback – The DC Dem’s
Each is a charming leader, skillfully guiding his team (party) as they via for the top prize.
They have a fine staff. The Republicans have:
Head Coach Mitch McConnell
Offensive Coach John Boehner
Defensive Coach Dick “Crush em All” Cheney
& Waterboy George Dubya'.
The Dem’s are equally represented by:
Head Coach Harry Reid
Offensive, Defensive & Special Teams Coach Nancy “mine, mine, all mine” Pelosi
& Cheerleading Director Barney Frank.
The teams also have the best marketing support money can, and does, buy: Housing, Health, Immigration & Legal Lobbyists.
And then there are you, Da’ Fan’s!!!!........................
You sit in your seat and root them on all season. Primaries in Des Moines, Conventions in Minnesota, Play-Off’s in DC. What a wild ride and here you are!!!
Boy oh Boy-O, You go to the ticket booth and buy your $3,500.00 ticket (your personal share of the $700 Billion bailout) for your seats in the Freddie-Mac Dome and sit back to watch these titans of the political battlefield duke it out.
And you find yourself sitting next to one of THEM……… Opposing Party Fans. AARRGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!
Let the verbal sparring begin.
Hey news flash zippy, your “team” has about as much concern for you & your opinions as the beer-boy servicing this section.
The latest bailout debacle is equivalent to multiple “flag” penalties on the field for unsportsmanlike conduct. Both sides are arguing and accusing the other of starting it. Hey nim-rod, yeah you in AIG Section 302, sit down and shut up. They are both guilty.
You sit there like YOU are a key component of your party. Not likely sport, unless you routinely slide fifty-large into your representatives pocket. You get a form letter sent with an auto-pen signature and you frame it to impress your equally delusional party buddy. Me and B.O…………… Tight Bay-Bee!!!
Yeah, tight…. like Eli Manning (shameless NY Giants plug here), signing a 12 year olds football card and hoping on the team jet.
I’m not trying to be overly sarcastic…….. (I said not overly) or too condescending, but the point is that you carrying on about your favorite politician is very sad. This type of hero worship has led us to the point we are at. Politicians are not to be idolized; they are supposed to be working for you.
Follow me here for a minute. The people you elected to represent you have failed miserably. They engaged in conduct that was simply wrong, and in many instances probably criminal. Now like the criminals they are they are trying to blame each other. And you, you’re like the rabid dog sports fan that vehemently defends the disgraced football player who was caught doing (Fill in the Blank).
I wonder, like sports players, do politicians sit there and go “damn, they actually believe me………”
As long as you sit there and continue to support their behavior, you are a key component in the problem. What we need to do is hold people accountable for what they say and what they do. That means if you’re a Republican you stand up when the President does something you feel is wrong, and if you’re a Democrat you call out Barney Frank when he blames the Republicans and yet doesn’t acknowledge his own involvement. If your only political affiliation is standing on the side line and shouting party slogans, you’re a mindless drone who probably doesn’t need to cause a backlog at the voting booth in November.
I believe in electing the best person for the job. Sadly, the Washington Gene Pool is really cloudy and producing some pretty scary off-spring.
Unless “We The People” take back control of our government, it will revert to “We The Politicians” and we will be left with whatever THEY decide is best for us.
That is not what the founding fathers intended. Quite honestly they would be amazed at the amount of damage we have managed to do in such a very short period of time.
If the best you can muster is to cheer like an idiot for your candidate du jour and spew inane talking points, as you yell-over your equally idiotic opposing party opponent. I wish you would turn off C-Span and turn on ESPN2 where your moronic behavior can’t do anymore damage.
The Angry American
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