Friday, September 26, 2008

You’re not trying to fleece me are you?

These were the words my beloved grandfather would say to me when he knew I was trying to scam him on some fool hardy topic. He said it in a gentle loving way, with a tinge of Irish whimsy, which led me to understand he had seen right through me.

I learned a lot from him. I learned that quick fixes and cutting corners was no replacement for hard work. My grandfather was a union truck driver. I remember when he came home at night and I would hug him as he came through the door. I remember that I could smell the heavy odor of diesel fumes in his clothing. He was an honest to God hard working man. He was a man who taught me many things. The importance of being a gentleman, of shaking another mans hand, giving him your word and standing by it. Of saying what you mean and meaning what you say. He also taught me that when you are wrong, admit it. You can be forgiven for making a mistake, but not when you try to hide it.

I am ashamed to admit that I have failed at times to live up to his standards. On occasion I have hit rock bottom, and in a few instances begun to dig. But I have held hard and fast to his teaching that there is no excuse for hard work.

God I wish he was here today. What I wouldn’t give for one more minute to tell him how much he meant to me, how much I owe him, and how sorry I never told him back when it mattered.

My friends, I said all that to say this: America, you’re being fleeced!!!

Imagine if you will you’re a parent. You have a wife and three teenage kids. The kids are named Dopey, Rep and Dem (catchy isn’t it, I didn’t want to insult Moe, Larry & Curly). You work hard, pay your bills, and try to be a responsible person. The kids are always complaining that you don’t have a great house because you are too financially tight. Nice, but not great.

So the oldest kid Dopey hits adulthood and he decides to “live large.” So he goes out and finds a dream home, 1.3 million dollars…… now that is a great house!!! But the problem is that the knucklehead only makes $75,000.00. But his two brothers (Rep & Dem) find a mortgage broker who makes a “magic” loan and Dopey is living large. You see where this is going right?

So the bill comes due and Dopey can’t come up with it. Guess who he turns to? No, not you….. YET, first he goes to his two Brothers who helped him out in the first place. Now guess who they turn too? You got it, Mr. & Mrs. Responsible Taxpayer. And that’s what is happening now.

Make no mistake; the two political parties are guilty as sin, as are the lenders. But they are turning to us to pay for their mistakes. The issue is now they want to take the money from us and fix the problem. They couldn’t see the problems before and acted irresponsible, and now they claim they can be responsible while fixing it.

I can’t say this strongly enough: DON’T TRUST THEM!!!!

When is this bailout nonsense going to end: Fannie & Freddie, AIG, Bear Sterns…..

And while we were all watching in amazement at the potential $700 billion bailout, the House passed a bill this week to bail out Ford, GM and Chrysler to the tune of $25 Billion dollars. Missed that one?

When does the blood letting of the US Taxpayers end? $30 Billion, $25 Billion, $700 Billion,………… my God, are they all friggen crazy in DC?

Do you realize folks you now hold stake in:

Home Mortgages

Hey, while we are at it lets get some music, alcohol, a steak place and a sports team………!!!!!!!!!

Folks, if you think this isn’t going to end in the TRILLION dollar range; I want what you’re smoking. We are being forced to pay for mistakes that should have been seen and were quite honestly seen but ignored, or lost over partisan bickering. Do you realize that issues with Fannie and Freddie surfaced YEARS ago, and even though it was known, NO ONE DID ANYTHING, and that malfeasance has cost you billions !!!!!!

For those of you who are responsible and hard working people, you are being force fed a bailout and no one will tell you whether your “investment” will be protected, or whether or not those thieving crooks (the company CEO’s not Congress) will not find a way to benefit their bottom lines at your expense.

No matter how I look at this, my grandfather’s words keep resonating in my ears “You’re not trying to fleece me are you?

Yes, they are……………….

The Angry American

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