In the Sherlock Holmes novel, The Seven Per Cent Solution, Holmes informs Dr. Watson of his belief that Professor James Moriarty is a "Napoleon of Crime". The book presents this opinion as nothing more than the cocaine induced delusions of Holmes' mind. Those who have been in law enforcement or the medical profession often encounter people like this, who “see” and “hear” things that are in fact not real but the by-product of the narcotic influence over their otherwise normal brain functions.
I say this first, because I am getting the same impression regarding the 95% tax cuts being promised. It sounds good; it makes sense, but is it real or just a “Financial Cocaine” induced delusion?
You have heard the statement played ad nauseum if you have turned on a TV News report anytime in the last several months. “"Here is what I can tell the American people: 95 percent of you will get a tax cut.” Please understand this, he is saying "American People or Workers", Not TAXPAYERS.
During this period of financial upheaval, where every day seems like we are on a never ending roller-coaster ride, these words are like a salve to our broken and bleeding pocket-books and wallets. But does this “cream” help us, or is it masking an even greater ailment lurking around the corner?
Consider this, the part of Obama's tax plan that results in widespread tax cuts is a tax credit for workers, intended to offset payroll taxes. That’s right; you’re going to get a credit, because those businesses that comprise that 5% are going to see their taxes raised.
Now, the other problem with this statement is how is it possible to cut 95 percent of Americans' taxes when 40 percent of Americans don't pay any income tax? So, when they say 95% are going to get tax refunds, understand that SOMEONE is going to be paying for those 40% who do not contribute in the first place. You, who actual pay taxes, are going to get a tax credit while those who don't pay taxes are going to get the same tax credit. I don't care how you try and spin this, it is a HAND-OUT !!!!
I want everyone to think of this in a simple way. You have three kids and one “vacation piggy-bank.” One of your kids is in his teens and works every day after school and gets a paycheck, the second child does chores at home and gets an allowance, and the third child does nothing. I use this analogy, because most people can relate to this. At the end of the week the working child contributes 50% of his wages to the piggy bank. The second child contributes 15% of his allowance and the third, well nothing.
At the end of the year, Mom breaks open the bank and everyone goes on vacation. Do you understand who paid the most? Do you understand who paid the least? Do you understand that they are all sharing the same benefits? Can anyone understand why the first child might not work as hard next year? If that child does not work as hard, what kind of vacation will the family have?
People you need to understand this. We live in a capitalist society. That’s not a bad word. It means that we all have the potential to do as good or as bad as we choose. It is about responsibility to ones self and not a reliance on handouts. We have welfare, which allows those “TEMPORARILY” down on their luck to weather the storms in their lives until they get back on their feet. This country has lost sight of the temporary aspect and we are now living with generations of “entitlement babies” who believe that the government is mandated to pay them. The problem is WE ARE THE GOVERNMENT. Your money, in the form of taxes, is what pays these scam artists.
And now the promise, even if you don’t pay taxes, you’re going to benefit. Again, people….. You are going to pay. When that 50% kid decides to move out, who do you think is going to make up the difference in the vacation piggy-bank down the road? Thats right, Child #2 !!
This country is printing and spending money like it is going out of style. Truth is it might be. We are approaching the time when our currency might go out of style because it is not worth the paper it is printed on. The government cannot operate without money and since our politicians have it good in DC and no reason to give up their day job, they are going to find the money. When the 5% are not cutting it anymore, they are going to turn to the “95%”, but 40% aren’t paying anyway, so guess who that lives Joe & Jane Six-Pack.
The other day Obama was in Ohio and got begged for a series of hard questions from a Plumber. Not a Fortune 500 Investor, not a Corporate Exec, a plumber. One of the “Forgotten People.” Here is a text of the exchange:
"Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn't it?" the plumber asked, complaining that he was being taxed "more and more for fulfilling the American dream."
"It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they've got a chance for success too," Obama responded. "My attitude is that if the economy's good for folks from the bottom up, it's gonna be good for everybody ... I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."
“Spread the Wealth Around”………. My friends that is Socialism.
Socialists mainly share the belief that Capitalism unfairly concentrates power and wealth into a small section of society who controls capital, and creates an unequal society. All socialists advocate the creation of an egalitarian society, in which wealth and power are distributed more evenly. The problem is, when you spread that wealth you remove the impetus to continue working from those people and by extension the businesses they run, that thrive on the idea of capitalism. The belief that “when I work hard I reap the benefits of my labor.” If you remove that reward, you remove the reason to work hard. When you do that those business close, and all those “spread the wealth” people have less wealth to spread. Your politicians will not suffer that same problem, trust me they are all “financial secure”.
What those politicians will due, is take you from the socialist dream to a communist state where the government will continue to dole out continually diminishing sources of revenue.
Socialism is the intermediate system between capitalism and communism, when the government is in the process of changing the means of ownership from privatism, to collective ownership.
There are people who say it “can’t” happen, yet history tells us time and again when it has. I’m asking the question: Why Can’t it Happen? - "It's not that I want to punish your success. I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they've got a chance for success too,…."
“Spreading the Wealth” is not giving some a “chance for success” it is fulfilling one of the basic tenets of Socialism where those are don’t have are simply “given” it without ever earning it.
Here is what I know from my 44 years:
I worked my tail off for everything I have.
I took a pay-cut to get a job that had healthcare
I paid my way through college
I sacrificed when times where tough so that I could pay my obligations
I bought houses and cars I could AFFORD not ones I WANTED
And now I am being told that the responsible choices and hard work I engaged in which lead to my “success” are not as important as simply GIVING that “success” to those less fortunate who have never worked for them.
“... I think when you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody."
So you answer me this: “What lessons do I teach my kids about hard work, when Obama says he is going to make the playing field level and spread the wealth around for everybody?”
The Angry American
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