Thursday, October 23, 2008

Children, Behave: why does politics........

Children, Behave; or "Why does politics bring out the adolescent in us?"

October 23rd, 2008 and I have officially had enough.

Today, I got what I would term the usual political email that seems to flood my inbox during this time of season. I guess this was the one that brought down my political house of card stack that had been compiling on the one vacant corner of my desk.

Now, if you have read any of my other entries, you would probably think “hey, this guy is somewhat political, so what is he moaning and groaning about?”


Boy, what pushed him over the edge…………. Coffee maker break (again)?

No, it was actually just your typical mundane “Bush is a Moron” email. OK, listen and let me explain this once and for all. George W. Bush, 43rd President of the United States, has a Bachelor's degree from Yale University in History as well as a Master of Business Administration degree from Harvard. If anyone wants to find fault with his politics, knock yourselves out. But to sit there and say the man is a Moron is something that frankly I believe does more to discredit your intelligence than his.

So for the record, let us actually set the record straight as to what a Moron is: Moron was originally taken from the Greek word “Moros” which meant "Dull" and was subsequently used by English Psychologist Henry Goddard to describe a person with a mental age located between 8 and 12 on the Binet scale. It was once applied to people with an IQ of 51-70, being superior in one degree to "imbecile" (IQ of 26-50) and superior in two degrees to "idiot" (IQ of 0-25).

I think what bothers me is that these snarky little emails seem to reach down to the depths of what I consider schoolyard childish drivel.

If you prefer a particular candidate fine. That’s your choice and I respect it. I might not agree with you or your political feelings, but I will respect them. That is what I believe makes America the great country that it is. But if your philosphy is summed up in so much political claptrap as “No War For Oil”, “Puck Falin”, “Millionaires for McCain” you probably need to consider that you sound more like the moron that you claim the President is.

I also want to say that if you actually attended a college or university and that's the best you can put together, go back and get a refund for your tuition. They did you a great disservice.

American’s need to rise above these nonsensical diatribes and treat the election with the dignity that it deserves. We are electing the leader of the free world and yet we treat it as if it’s a “yo Mama’s so fat……” slugfest. Sad as it might be, it’s time to grow up kids.

At this point I ask, do any of you know your IQ? You just might want to check it out before you go sending any more “Moronic” emails.

The Angry American (Cranky as well)

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