Welcome to my Blog. Things have changed, just as our country is changing. I welcome all, and ask that you keep an open mind. I hope that as you read my posts, they will cause you to think, question and above all else educate yourself.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
The Betrayal of Change
During the most recent “never ending” presidential campaign juggernaut, our newly crowned President-elect vowed to Change the way business is done in Washington. He promised us Change we could believe in. He even went so far in his pursuit of the democratic nod to attack those in his own party who were campaigning, such as Senator’s Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton.
Clearly our deliverer from all things politically ugly would forge a new administration to signal the Change he has vowed to bestow on the American people who elevated him to this most esteemed position. As he stood there, with his best contemplative look, his eyes peering into the distance, perhaps actually glimpsing into Utopia itself, he told the throngs of the faithful that “Real Change” was coming to Washington. Uh, yeah,……… No.
Sorry to all the kool-aid drinkers, it isn’t going to happen. The “Change we can Believe in” rhetoric seems to have been just that, empty rhetoric. Your humble scribe warned you that the reality was going to be less like “Change” and more like “Politics as Usual”. I had hoped against hope that I was wrong. But as my kids are fond to say “Dad’s never wrong.”
So what has happened to make me cast such disparaging comments towards the anointed one? Simply this, I think I went to sleep and got transported back to 1993. No one told me that the “Change We Can Believe In” was simply the third Clinton White House. No, I’m not crazy people. Have you looked at the cast of characters that is being assembled? No,…. Oh my poor kool-aid sippers sit down and have a cup of coffee while I introduce you to the new “Change” team.
Janet Napolitano - Under the Clinton administration she was appointed as United States Attorney (Arizona). She was elected Governor of Arizona in 2002. Currently she has been selected as the U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security in the Obama Administration.
Timothy Geithner – Served as Under secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs from 1998-2001 during the Clinton years. In 2003 he was named president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Currently he has been selected as the U.S. Secretary of Treasury in the Obama Administration.
Bill Richardson – Former U.S. Congressman (1983-1997). Under the Clinton administration he served as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations. U.S. Secretary of Energy. Current Governor of New Mexico. Has been selected as the U.S. Commerce Secretary in the Obama Administration.
Rahm Emanuel – Former U.S. Congressman (2003-2008). Under the Clinton administration he served as Campaign Finance Director and Senior Advisor. Emanuel was named to the Board of Directors for the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation ("Freddie Mac") by then President Bill Clinton in 2000. Has been selected as the Chief of Staff in the Obama Administration.
Tom Daschle – Former U.S. Congressman (1979-1987). Former U.S. Senator (1987-2005). After leaving the Senate he was employed with a DC based lobbying firm. He has been selected for the Secretary of Health & Human Services position in the Obama Administration.
Eric Holder – He is a former Judge of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia. Under the Clinton administration he served as United States Attorney and Deputy Attorney General of the United States under Janet Reno. Holder’s judgment has been questioned regarding his tacit approval of a pardon by Bill Clinton for fugitive billionaire and Democratic fundraiser Marc Rich. He has been selected to serve as the United States Attorney General in the incoming Obama Administration.
John Podesta - Served in various positions as Counselor to Democratic Leader Senator Thomas Daschle (1995-1996); Chief Counsel for the Senate Agriculture Committee (1987-1988); Chief Minority Counsel for the Senate Judiciary Subcommittees on Patents, Copyrights, and Trademarks; Security and Terrorism; and Regulatory Reform; and Counsel on the Majority Staff of the Senate Judiciary Committee (1979-1981). Under the Clinton administration he served as White House Chief of Staff from 1998 until 2001. Currently he is the co-chairman of Obama-Biden Transition Project.
Joe Biden –U.S. Senator (1973-2008). Vice-President, elect (2008).
Hillary Clinton - First Lady of the United States from 1993 to 2001. U.S. Senator (2001-2008). She has been selected for the U.S. Secretary of State position in the Obama Administration.
OK, so let me see what we have here. Out of the nine people listed above
Cumulative Time Spent in Senate: 63 Years
Cumulative Time Spent in Congress: 23 Years
Former Members of Clinton Administration: 06
Now I can hear the backpedaling begin already. Who wants to be the first one to state that Obama is doing the right thing for the country by "bringing in the best people." Bull Spit.
I remember once hearing Obama chide McCain for being in the Senate so long he was part of that "Washington Network". Meanwhile, his Vice Presidential running mate was in the Senate almost 10 years longer. No B.O. you can't have it both ways. That's just typical D.C. double-talk and hardly the "Change" you promised. Your sounding more and more like a typical politician then the savior the yearning masses were hoping for.
Obama ran on a ticket that promised Change. This my friends is not change, this is politics as usual. He often chided his opponents as being part of the Washington establishment. The people elected him because he brought “different” views to the table. That’s what people wanted, Change. That's not what they are getting.
Bottom line is you were sold a Lamborghini and what you just got delivered was a Lada.
So, now your coming to terms with the understanding that you can no longer Believe in the Change you Hoped for. What's next……….. I’d started to look up all those “Promises” that were made during the campaign. Between you and me, I don’t think you have a snowballs chance in hell of them being kept.
Can’t you just feel the winds of change blowing………………..
The Angry American
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
The Silver Lining
The Silver Lining
While the election results admittedly make it difficult, I am generally an optimist, and I'm not changing my stripes now. Obama has truly awful, awful ideas for our country, but I do not believe even he can ruin it. So here's what I feel good about right now:
1. * The next time someone, perhaps looking up from their Sunday New York Times, tries to tell you we live in a pervasively racist society, you can finally tell them to just shut the f*** up.
2. * Since their services are clearly no longer required, we can send Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson off to their long overdue retirements, perhaps to Charlie Rangel's place in the Dominican Republic.
3. * While we are at it, can we all finally agree on the fact that if blacks can rise to the presidency, it follows that we no longer need affirmative action? Time to put that nonsense in the ground once and for all.
4. * The constructionists on the Supreme Court should be able to hold out another four years before they retire. We wish them the best of health.
5. * We won't have to spend four years defending John McCain. Let's be honest, he was a crummy candidate who wilted on most issues important to conservatives. It would have been four painful years followed by a lay-up election for...Obama or Hillary.
6. * With the economy in the tank, Obama may have somewhat limited flexibility. His plans to turn us into Finland may have to wait.
7. * Jimmy Carter was a painful experience, but he gave us (cue heavenly choir music) Ronald Reagan. Hopefully Obama will give us a Sarah Palin, Bobby Jindal? Tim Pawlenty? We have a deep bench. Start thinking ahead now.
8. * Since the Democrats control both houses and the White House, there will be no one else to blame when they screw up, which is as inevitable as the sun rising tomorrow. Of course we know that just like the sun rising, they will try to pin any problems on George Bush for at least the next millennia, the people will know better.
9. * The media has now officially been "outed" as in the tank for the Democrat Party. Heck, even the liberals know it. MSNBC's credibility has never been so low. They have actually hit rock bottom and begun to dig.
10. * The New York Times was just demoted to junk bond status by the ratings agencies.
Finally, let's be happy that it's just over. This has been the longest election season ever.
~Unknown Author
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
WTF ?!?!? Obama's National Security Force ?!?!?
I'm sorry, but to me a National Security Force sounds like a very narrowly disguised attempt at circumventing the Posse Comitatus Act.
We have state & local police departments, along with a whole alphabet soup mix of federal agencies, and yet that's not enough ? Obama wants to create a force equal in size and equally equipped as the military................... does anyone want to ask WHY.
OK, let's get this straight. The United States Military is for the defense of this country. Civilian law enforcement is for protecting the citizens and enforcement of civilian law....... what would you need a NSF that is equal in size and strength to the US Military.
Hold on kids, I warned you, this ride is going to get really bad............. This article isn't crazy, if you consider the above statements.
Doom & Gloom ? I don't know......... but the Congressman makes a good point. Even Adolf Hitler was elected in a democracy. Remember what he told the German people? "Give me ten years time and you will not recognize Germany!" He was right.
Note: I edited the below news article only for room.
Republican congressman from Georgia said Monday he fears that President-elect Obama will establish a Gestapo-like security force to impose a Marxist or fascist dictatorship.
WASHINGTON -- A Republican congressman from Georgia said Monday he fears that President-elect Obama will establish a Gestapo-like security force to impose a Marxist or fascist dictatorship.
"It may sound a bit crazy and off base, but the thing is, he's the one who proposed this national security force," Rep. Paul Broun said of Obama in an interview Monday with The Associated Press. "I'm just trying to bring attention to the fact that we may -- may not, I hope not -- but we may have a problem with that type of philosophy of radical socialism or Marxism."
Broun cited a July speech by Obama that has circulated on the Internet in which the then-Democratic presidential candidate called for a civilian force to take some of the national security burden off the military.
"That's exactly what Hitler did in Nazi Germany and it's exactly what the Soviet Union did," Broun said. "When he's proposing to have a national security force that's answering to him, that is as strong as the U.S. military, he's showing me signs of being Marxist."
"We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set," Obama said in July. "We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded."
Broun said he also believes Obama likely will move to ban gun ownership if he does build a national police force.
Obama has said he respects the Second Amendment right to bear arms and favors "common sense" gun laws. Gun rights advocates interpret that as meaning he'll at least enact curbs on ownership of assault weapons and concealed weapons. As an Illinois state lawmaker, Obama supported a ban on semiautomatic weapons and tighter restrictions on firearms generally.
"We can't be lulled into complacency," Broun said. "You have to remember that Adolf Hitler was elected in a democratic Germany. I'm not comparing him to Adolf Hitler. What I'm saying is there is the potential."
Obama's transition office did not respond immediately to Broun's remarks.
The Angry American
Thursday, November 6, 2008
The Post Election Party
Now we are faced with the morning after. The person we came home with looks remarkably different than the one we took home last night. And for the life of us we can’t seem to remember exactly what we said or promised through the post euphoric haze we are in.
So, here we are November 5th, 2008 and President-elect Barack Obama has secured his place in history as the 44th President of the United States. Not only that, but the Democrats have also secured a continuing majority in both the House and Senate. Ok, the die has been cast.
Before we get too far along here, I want to make one point. Those who now say this was some outrageous political message sent out by the masses to show their overwhelming support for the President-Elect need to stop. Obama won the popular vote with about 1% difference from George W. Bush’s 2004 victory numbers. Back then the Democrats all bitched and moaned for months when Bush “barely” won, let’s not get too crazy with the flip side now that it’s their chosen son.
The people spoke, let’s end the rhetoric and move forward. The Democrats have their alleged “mandate” from the American people to bring about the change they promised. They have been given control of the Executive Branch, as well as the Legislative Branch in both the House and Senate. I would also like to remind everyone that starting with the 110th Congress back in January 3, 2007; The Democrats have controlled a majority in both chambers. While the Democratic Party had only 49 members in the Senate, they held an operational majority because the two Independent senators, Bernie Sanders of Vermont and Joe Lieberman of Connecticut, were independents in name only and sided with the Democrats for organizational purposes. So, for two years they have already been in charge of the Legislative Branch.
Now commencing with the 111th Congress the Democrats will once again hold a majority. There will be no obstacles for them to impose their wishes for “change”. Let the excuses end here and now. Promises were made based on the agenda of “Change we can Believe in.” There is no room for back peddling at this point in time. No one mentioned “Change we would like to see Happen.” If you cannot accomplish what you promised, with a majority control of the House of Representatives, Senate and Presidency then you are simply incompetent. So the American people expect the “Change” they were promised to happen. Otherwise, they were sold a bad bill of goods.
And what were those promises:
1. Cut taxes for 95 percent of workers and their families. (Middle class families will see their taxes cut – and no family making less than $250,000 will see their taxes increase.)
2. Provide generous tax cuts for low and middle income seniors, homeowners, the uninsured, and families sending a child to college
3. Affordable and expanded health care
4. Speedy withdrawal from Iraq
5. Reduce dependence on foreign oil
6. Provide tax relief for small businesses and startups
7. Fight for fair trade
8. Create 5 Million new “Green Jobs” as well as additional jobs in infrastructure and technology sectors
9. Create secure borders and improve the immigration system
10. Make college affordable to all Americans
11. Defeat terrorism worldwide & Prevent nuclear terrorism
12. Rebuild New Orleans and the Gulf Coast.
13. Make housing more affordable
14. Protect Social Security
15. Provide cheaper prescription drugs
16. Protect and strengthen Medicare
17. Increase military ground forces by 65,000 soldiers and 27,000 Marines.
18. Lower health care costs by $2,500 for a typical family
19. Protect the rights of hunters and other law-abiding Americans to purchase, own, transport and use guns. (Barack Obama is committed to protecting your gun rights)
All of the above were taken directly from the Obama / Biden website. These are not my words, but theirs. Where I come from, a man says what he means, and means what he says. So, if they don’t give you what they promised, they lied to you. Something I have been warning you about. I wish that I am proven wrong, but I don't see how they are going to able to pull this off.
OK folks, the parties over. The lights are on, the Greek temple columns have put back into storage and reality beckons. Gone is the rhetoric, the promises, the campaign attacks. Now it is time to stand up and produce. I did not agree with President-elect Obama's message or policies, but I will put aside those differences and support him when he is sworn into office. But I will not forget what he promised to deliver.
January 20th there is a new sheriff in town and he has a whole mess of deputies up on the Hill. They got there through a lot of promises; now let’s see if it is really the “Change We Can Believe In” or just the same old “Politics as Usual”.
The Angry American
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
I know that to some it is hard, life is busy, lines are long, etc., etc.,
Please remember this right that you have has been won, and protected, by blood. Never lose sight of the fact that it is right that should always be cherished and respected.
No political statements today, just do you're duty as an American.
Monday, November 3, 2008
The Mustang Ranch & The US Government
Back in 1990, the United States Government seized the Mustang Ranch brothel in Nevada for tax evasion.
The owner had a serious tax debt, to the tune of a 16 million dollar lien. In other words, he was making money, just not paying the government it's fair shrare. I guess he didn't embrace the "sharing of the wealth" theory either.
Anway, since prostitution is legal in the state of Nevada they, the Government, tried to run it. They failed and it closed.
Now, we are trusting the economy of our country, including a $700 Billion Dollar bailout, to a bunch of incompetent nit-wits who couldn't make money running a whore house and selling booze.
Am I the only one shaking his head ?
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Bull Shit!
In the movie “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days” the main characters play a card that is known as “Bull Shit.” It is actually a real card game, based in part on bluffing. Players can question the veracity of the other by calling their bluff, with the affectionate “Bull Shit.”
That is how I feel about the latest announcement to come out of the Obama-topia.
I’m calling you out B.O.,……… Bull Shit.
On Saturday, Barack Obama said he was “unaware” that one of his relatives from Kenya was living in the United States illegally, for the past four years, and added that believes the appropriate laws should be followed.
Oh really. Obama’s “Aunti Zeituni” Onyango was instructed to leave the country four years ago by an immigration judge who rejected her request for asylum from her native Kenya.
People, if you paid any attention at all during this election season you might have heard the word “vetted”. It is an old expression from the 1800’s that came to us from the world of horse racing. Basically it means that a horse had to be checked by a veteran to ensure health and well being.
What this means in the political realm of today is not only is a candidate “vetted” by the party to ensure that he is free of any hiccups that might cause a problem, but that those around him are also vetted to “remove” any potential “skeletons” in the closet.
The vetting process is done by professional investigators with years of experience. I've been professionally involved in this process and I can tell you it is a very serious matter because of the potential for unwanted "political backlash". More importantly investigators have the means at their disposal to obtain detailed information not available at the public level. Yet we are being led to believe that investigative journalists, from the Times of London no less, uncovered something the professionals missed. Bull Shit!
My favorite spin-meister this season, Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton, said "Senator Obama has no knowledge of her status but obviously believes that any and all appropriate laws be followed," Uh yeah, ok. Sen. Obama has no clue his Aunti is here illegally.
Bull Shit, Bill.
First, let me say that about 100 years ago, give or take, some of my relatives on my mothers side came stumbling off a boat from Ireland. More or less the same is true with my relatives on my fathers side, except for the stumbling part. Well, actually the stumbling part might still be true, just from another country. It is probably safe to assume that I don’t have any “illegal” aliens hiding in closet. Notice I said “safe to assume”, no ironclad promises. But if you were to “vet” me that probably wouldn’t be at the top of your list of things to look for.
But here we have the candidate for President of the United States, whose father was from Kenya. We are talking about ½ his side of the family here and they are from South Africa. Obama's father was a citizen of, and a senior governmental economist in, Kenya, South Africa. Obama's father was not an American and this is his sister we are talking about. I’m thinking Immigration might just be a high priority on the vetting list.
So here we have the same “Aunti” that he wrote about in one of his books. She is not an distant relative that he had someone how forgotten about.
So let’s look at the facts as they exist today:
1. Aunti Zeituni is living here illegally for the last four years
2. Aunti Zeituni is living in a public housing project in Boston, Massachusetts
3. Aunti Zeituni is receiving public assistance
And now we have this little tidbit that has come to the surface. It seems that Aunti Zeituni’s case, coming to light just before the presidential election, has now led to an unusual nationwide directive within Immigrations and Customs Enforcement requiring any deportations prior to the election be approved at the level of ICE regional directors and above. What????
Okay, so what we have is good old Barack saying “hey, I didn’t know and well, the law should be followed.” And now we have a hurdle put up, an obstruction if you will, to prevent the law being followed. So would this be the “Change” we are getting? I guess it would give her enough time to pack up and get to a place in Cambridge, Chelsea or Orleans. They are after all local sanctuary cities in Massachusetts.
You would have thought that at least he would have moved her into Chicago, which also bears the same title. But I guess maybe he was trying to distance himself from that side of the family. It would suck to have to close the windows and lock the door when that “illegal” relative tried to come over for dinner or parties.
Hello people, are you asleep at the wheel? Unrepentant Domestic Terrorist’s, Racist Clergy, Communist Sympathizers and now Illegal Immigrant Relatives…….. If you think this man has the “moral character” to be President of the United States, then you deserve everything you get.
This is exactly what I have been talking about. You can “Believe” all you want that you are getting “Change” but it’s the same old political nonsense just packaged in a new wrapper. In other words you’re getting a “re-gift” this year for Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukah, Winter Solstice, or whatever else you happen to “Cling” to.
Maybe this is all a great big mistake. Maybe Aunti Zeituni really isn’t here and it’s just another “error” on the part of a newly registered voter by ACORN.
Barack didn’t know……………… Bull Shit, now prove me wrong.
The Angry American
Who is the Middle Class?
We are four days out from this “historic” election and it appears that some of the façade that has been built up around Obama is peeling away. The question is whether people wake up from this political “trick or treat” in time to see that the “treats” promised are not likely to be kept and are more likely a political double-speak “trick”.
Now the latest piece of information on the Economic “smoke & mirrors” that have been at the forefront of this election:
On Friday morning (10/31/08) New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson defined the middle class as those making $120,000 and under. His comments, made during a radio appearence, showed just how disengenious that $250,000.00 number actually was. Richardsons full comment was "What Obama wants to do is he is basically looking at $120,000 and under among those that are in the middle class, and there is a tax cut for those."
Now, you can argue that the comment is not directly attributed to Obama, but the truth is that whether he said them or not those numbers are much more accurate than his. This is not republicans making these comments but a prominent Democrat leader.
Joe Biden just made a statement at a campaign stop in Pennsylvania “defining” the middle class. Biden said Obama's tax break "should go to middle class people - people making under $150,000 a year." That’s not even a prominent Democrat leader, that’s the Vice-Presidential candidate.
People, you can not operate the government by taxing the top 5%. That is not going to happen, and if you believe in the veracity of Obama’s tax plan as it stands then you are delusional. So as the numbers drop lower you are going to find yourself in that “upper class” category. When that happens, ask yourself where the money to finance all those really great ideas, such as universal healthcare, is actually going to come from.
Remember I said it here a long time ago. It was Theodore Roosevelt who first offered the idea of healthcare for all. One hundred years and they have not pulled it off. Here’s a newsflash, if Roosevelt couldn’t do it back then when our finances were much better, how the heck can Obama do it during this period of economic upheaval. I’ll go on the record a 2nd time: It won’t happen.
The financial crisis we are dealing with now, coupled with the prospects of a potential painful recession have even reached deep within the Obama camp. After a campaign in which Obama preached his sermon of "hope" and "change" he is now being confronted with the reality of a stricken economy. This, my friends, is reality. It is not the rhetoric being shouted from a stage to throngs of adoring fans. It is the cold hard truth that we need to face and the Obama camp is now coming to grips with.
Don’t believe me, Obama's senior advisers are already drawing up plans on how to create a more somber and realistic view of the post election world. There is a growing fear within the camp that many of his idealitistc supporters have unrealistic “hope” for the “change” Obama can achieve if he is elected. According to one senior advisor, they want to lower expectations "so there's not a vast mood swing from exhilaration and euphoria to despair."
So now we have a situation where the candidate of “change” may not be able to bring about the change he promised as part of his campaign. So at the end of the day, are you going to get the promised “Change” or be left with the same old “politics as usual” promises that never get fulffilled.
The Angry American