OK, I have said this before and I am going on record here again: “Don’t Buy the Hype”
We are four days out from this “historic” election and it appears that some of the façade that has been built up around Obama is peeling away. The question is whether people wake up from this political “trick or treat” in time to see that the “treats” promised are not likely to be kept and are more likely a political double-speak “trick”.
Now the latest piece of information on the Economic “smoke & mirrors” that have been at the forefront of this election:
On Friday morning (10/31/08) New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson defined the middle class as those making $120,000 and under. His comments, made during a radio appearence, showed just how disengenious that $250,000.00 number actually was. Richardsons full comment was "What Obama wants to do is he is basically looking at $120,000 and under among those that are in the middle class, and there is a tax cut for those."
Now, you can argue that the comment is not directly attributed to Obama, but the truth is that whether he said them or not those numbers are much more accurate than his. This is not republicans making these comments but a prominent Democrat leader.
Joe Biden just made a statement at a campaign stop in Pennsylvania “defining” the middle class. Biden said Obama's tax break "should go to middle class people - people making under $150,000 a year." That’s not even a prominent Democrat leader, that’s the Vice-Presidential candidate.
People, you can not operate the government by taxing the top 5%. That is not going to happen, and if you believe in the veracity of Obama’s tax plan as it stands then you are delusional. So as the numbers drop lower you are going to find yourself in that “upper class” category. When that happens, ask yourself where the money to finance all those really great ideas, such as universal healthcare, is actually going to come from.
Remember I said it here a long time ago. It was Theodore Roosevelt who first offered the idea of healthcare for all. One hundred years and they have not pulled it off. Here’s a newsflash, if Roosevelt couldn’t do it back then when our finances were much better, how the heck can Obama do it during this period of economic upheaval. I’ll go on the record a 2nd time: It won’t happen.
The financial crisis we are dealing with now, coupled with the prospects of a potential painful recession have even reached deep within the Obama camp. After a campaign in which Obama preached his sermon of "hope" and "change" he is now being confronted with the reality of a stricken economy. This, my friends, is reality. It is not the rhetoric being shouted from a stage to throngs of adoring fans. It is the cold hard truth that we need to face and the Obama camp is now coming to grips with.
Don’t believe me, Obama's senior advisers are already drawing up plans on how to create a more somber and realistic view of the post election world. There is a growing fear within the camp that many of his idealitistc supporters have unrealistic “hope” for the “change” Obama can achieve if he is elected. According to one senior advisor, they want to lower expectations "so there's not a vast mood swing from exhilaration and euphoria to despair."
So now we have a situation where the candidate of “change” may not be able to bring about the change he promised as part of his campaign. So at the end of the day, are you going to get the promised “Change” or be left with the same old “politics as usual” promises that never get fulffilled.
The Angry American
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