Sunday, March 8, 2009

Obama Picks & Tax Problems

I wrote not to long ago about the “vetting” process in regards to Obama’s “Aunti Zeituni” Onyango. Remember her? Yeah, she had a few “issues.” Anyway, I thought surely this was a “rare” slip and would certainly cause those in the administration to “tighten things up”.

Yeah, no……………….

Ron Kirk. He’s the former mayor of Dallas and potential White House Chief Trade Representative. Seems Ron didn't pay taxes on some speaking fees and he tried to write off the full $17,000 costs of his Dallas Mavericks season tickets. It’s okay; he only owes $10,000.00 in back taxes.

Timothy Geithner. He’s the new Treasury Secretary in charge of the IRS. He was touted as the “best & the brightest” and essential to the fight the economic downturn we were in. That’s worked out real well, just look at how fabulous the markets are doing.

Only problem is Geithner didn't pay Social Security and Medicare taxes for several years while he worked for the International Monetary Fund. He paid $34,000.00 in late taxes. But it really wasn’t his problem. It seems the best & the brightest had issues using TurboTax.

Tom Daschle. He was fast tracked to Health and Human Services Secretary and was another “essential” person who would reform the nation's health care system. He owed $145,000.00 with interest and penalties because he got a free car and driver and other things from a guy who paid him $1 million a year for advice. Poor Tom just forgot to mention it for a few years.

Nancy Killefer. She was slated to be the Chief Performance Officer. Nancy fell on the sword and pulled out when she turned out to have had a past tax problem. She had a Tax lien for non-payment of unemployment compensation taxes. Ironically, she owed the least out of everyone. About $1,000.00 from what I heard.

Rep. Hilda Solis. She’s the new Labor Secretary. Ok, so the problems not really hers, but her husband who has some tax liens going back 16 years. These were cleared up the day before her committee vote as Labor secretary. Kind of convenient, right? Surely no one would hold a wife responsible for her husband's financial problems. Anyway, Solis' husband paid $6,400.00 in outstanding state and local tax liens for his auto repair business going back to 1993.

No wonder the administration is looking for tax reform. The only bright side is as they continue to fill slots; they are reaping in tons of back taxes. Maybe that’s how they plan on funding the stimulus package!!

Oh, and then there is good old Bill Richardson. He also had to withdraw from the Commerce Secretary slot. Well, ok technically it wasn’t a tax issue. No, he just has some issues with a “pay for play” investigation into how his political donors landed a lucrative transportation contract.

To all those who vilified the Bush Administration, wake-up people, there is monkey business going on, on both sides of the aisle.

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