Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Patriotic Illegal Immigrants

In the classic movie, the Wizard of Oz, the character of Dorothy turns to her little dog and says “Gee Toto, I don’t think we are in Kansas anymore.”

This morning, as I sit here watching “Dear Speaker” Pelosi I am sitting in disbelief. I am simultaneously enraged and dumbfounded. The only thing that comes to mind is “Gee Citizens, I don’t believe we are in America anymore.”

Last night, Pelosi told a gathering of legal and illegal immigrants at St. Anthony's Church in San Francisco that enforcement of existing immigration laws, as currently practiced, are "un-American."

Excuse Me? The enforcement of laws is Un-American?

Welcome to the New United States folks.

Pelosi was invited to the church by Rep. Luis Gutierrez, D-Ill. (Chicago), who is on a 17-city, cross-country tour called United Families. Apparently, when Rep. Gutierrez is not trying to outlaw firearms legally possessed by the citizens of the United States, he is trying to STOP the enforcement of immigration laws against NON-citizens of the United States. Now Dear Speaker has loaned her massive ego to this great cause.

Making sense to anyone yet?

Here are some of the highlights, just in case you think I had a horrible dream and I am somehow making this up:

In speaking of work site enforcement actions by ICE agents:

"It must be stopped....What value system is that? I think it's un-American. I think it's un-American."

"We have to have a change in policy and practice and again ... I can't say enough, the raids must end. The raids must end.

"You are special people. You're here on a Saturday night to take responsibility for our country's future. That makes you very, very patriotic."

I love that last quote “………to take responsibility for our country's future.”

Note to Dear Speaker, you need to be a citizen of the country first.

Now please don’t get me wrong. I have absolutely no problem with people wanting to immigrate to this country. We are a nation of immigrants. The fact that so many want to come here, I think, is a testament to how great this country is. They come for the possibilities that exist here and no place else. But we have, and have had for a very long time, a system in place to allow for the legal immigration.

What I have a problem with is those who choose to come here illegally and then find comfort and support from the politicians we elect. When our politicians are decrying the enforcement of laws (which they enacted by the way) by a duly authorized enforcement agency of the United States Government, we are in a truly bad place.

Recently the Attorney General, Eric (Nation of Cowards) Holder, stated that the U.S. needs to enact a new, more restrictive, assault weapons ban because Mexico (a sovereign country) is having too many problems.

This is the same Mexican government that is corrupt, that has been wholly ineffective in addressing drug issues, a country that has become a kidnapping and sex trade Mecca, which takes no action to curtail illegal immigration, and then has the audacity to complain about the Citizens of the United States being upset about illegal immigration.

Now, all along it seems that it is the legally possessed guns of the American Citizen that are causing the Mexican government to de-stabilize. If we could just take away those pesky legally owned guns, all the worlds’ problems with be solved.

Yeah and once that’s done then we can simply nullify the existing immigration laws, tear down the border crossings, reassign all the ICE agents to our airports to intercept illegal shipments of “Shamrock Seeds” (yes, apparently it is illegal to bring in Shamrock seeds into the country) and provide a safe haven for these very patriotic criminals.

Maybe someone in our beloved Dear Speaker’s office should look at the annual report listing the assaults against members of the Border Patrol. These assaults increase every year. On the southwest border, there were 384 total assaults recorded during fiscal year 2004. In fiscal year 2005, there were 687 attacks. During fiscal year 2006 there were 752 assaults and in fiscal year 2007 there were 987.

Better yet, maybe they would love to get a first hand look at those very patriotic potential immigrants shooting at CBP helicopters, assaulting our agents with softball-size rocks, fireworks and Molotov cocktails, and leaving agents with burns, bruises and head wounds.

Recently, March 2009, an agent noticed a breach in the International Border Fence. When the agent went to get a closer look, an unidentified person on the Mexican side dropped a large piece of cinder block onto his head.

Oh yeah, about the Mexican government? Their really not too interested in doing much on their side. According to the Border Patrol, each time an assault occurs in the border environment, local Border Patrol authorities notify their counterparts in Mexico. Many times, though, there is little or no response.

Yet here we arrest and imprison OUR decorated border agents and provide immunity in exchange for testimony against them from a DRUG DEALER. Anyone who has not heard the story of Agent’s Compean and Ramos, owe it to yourself to learn what your government does.

Or maybe, our Dear Speaker should visit the widow and children of Border Patrol Agent Luis Aguilar who was killed by a drug smuggler who ran him over and then fled back into Mexico.

As for me I wish this was Oz……………. so I could at least look forward to the house falling on this witch !

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