In the 1977 blockbuster movie, Star Wars, Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi counsels young Luke Skywalker before they enter the Mos Eisley Cantina “You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be careful”. It was funny back then, but as I sit here now, I can imagine that same admonition being said prior to entering the U.S. Capitol.
On Tuesday, April 28th, 2009, United States Senator Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) did something amazing, he switch from (R-Pa.) to (D-Pa.). Now personally I am not shocked by this little charade. To be quite honest he was what has become known as a RINO (Republican In Name Only).
No, the shock comes from the unmitigated gall that this pathetic excuse for a Senator has. You see, the issue was raised just about a month and half ago when he was interview by “The Hill”. During the interview Specter said he absolutely would not switch parties.
At the time Specter said: [Democrats] are trying very hard for the 60th vote. Got to give them credit for trying. But the answer is no.
Get that everyone, the answer is NO. When is NO not really NO, apparently when you’re a politician.
Specter went on to say: “I'm not going to discuss private talks I had with other people who may or may not be considered influential. But since those three people are in the public domain, I think it is appropriative to respond to those questions."
"I am staying a Republican because I think I have an important role, a more important role, to play there. The United States very desperately needs a two-party system. That's the basis of politics in America. I'm afraid we are becoming a one-party system, with Republicans becoming just a regional party with so little representation of the northeast or in the middle Atlantic. I think as a governmental matter, it is very important to have a check and balance. That's a very important principle in the operation of our government. In the constitution on Separation of powers.”
The other day, after this change was made public, Specter was asked if he had anything to say to his constituents, you know, the little people who elected him. His response: "I don't have to say anything to them," Specter said "They've said it to me."
Truth is, whatever your party affiliation, something like this should give you pause and make you think. Specter’s defection isn’t earth shattering, what it is, is a sad condemnation of our politicians and the system. Specter has been in the Senate since 1980. Almost 30 years. Folks, Specter, along with people like Joe Biden, John McCain, Edward Kennedy, Ted Stevens, & Daniel Inouye, are the poster children for term limits.
These people get elected and then……. Just never leave. Senators serve a term of six (06) years……. Then again, with an annual salary of $174,000 (as of 2009), would you leave? Pretty much the job is recession proof. But you would think after being in the Senate for 20, 30, 40 & even 50 years…… THEY WOULD GET SOMETHING ACCOMPLISHED!!!!!!
The point is, when are we going to wake up and realize that the Capitol, in the immortal words of General Kenobi, is nothing more than a wretched hive of scum and villainy.
Arlen Specter jumping ship is unremarkable. As stated before, he was a Republican in name only while his voting record belied his true beliefs. He switched parties simply because he realized he faced a potentially embarrassing defeat against another Republican. He risked that defeat because his “constituents” were unhappy with his performance.
What is troublesome is that, rather than improve and do what he was elected to do, he lied to them. He willfully engaged in back door deals and more lies to secure himself a seat in the Democratic Party and thereby retain his position. When questioned, he acted like a petulant child stating “I am unwilling to have my twenty-nine year Senate record judged by the Pennsylvania Republican primary electorate.” Uh, Arlen………….. remember you work for US, and your record will be judged by US. I just hope that when the time comes, the democrats in Pennsylvania remember how little this man think of his “constituents.”
All Americans, republican or democrat, should be embarrassed to have someone like this representing them. Clearly this is nothing more than self-serving lies and treachery.
Maybe we need to reconsider the whole term limit issue. They have gotten way to comfy in the halls of the Capitol.
"Torches and Pitchforks - Protecting Americans from Politicians since 1791."
Welcome to my Blog. Things have changed, just as our country is changing. I welcome all, and ask that you keep an open mind. I hope that as you read my posts, they will cause you to think, question and above all else educate yourself.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Those Dangerous Military Veterans
I knew it; I said all along that you should never, ever trust a man or woman who wears BDU’s and swore an oath to protect and defended the Constitution.
(For the uninitiated, that statement is of course dripping in sarcasm)
Today, April 16, 2009 , Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano apologized to veterans after a report issued by her department said troops returning from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were at risk for being recruited by rightwing extremists. I use the term “apologized” very loosely. What she actually said was “To the extent veterans read it as an accusation ... an apology is owed.” Oh, okay, well if you were just simply offended by it I guess you can just go to hell.
Is this woman inhaling something?
The Department of Homeland Security is now hinting that returning vets might be a security risk because they are trained soldiers. Following that logic, I guess DHS Secretary Napolitano might potentially be a prostitute, I think she has the equipment.
That might have sounded a little harsh, but I have a huge problem with my government slighting our military veterans.
Here is what the report "Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment," said:
(U//FOUO) The possible passage of new restrictions on firearms and the return of military veterans facing significant challenges reintegrating into their communities could lead to the potential emergence of terrorist groups or lone wolf extremists capable of carrying out violent attacks.
(U//FOUO) Proposed imposition of firearms restrictions and weapons bans likely would attract new members into the ranks of rightwing extremist groups, as well as potentially spur some of them to begin planning and training for violence against the government. The high volume of purchases and stockpiling of weapons and ammunition by rightwing extremists in anticipation of restrictions and bans in some parts of the country continue to be a primary concern to law enforcement.
(U//FOUO) Returning veterans possess combat skills and experience that are attractive to rightwing extremists. DHS/I&A is concerned that rightwing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to boost their violent capabilities.
And here is the crazy thing, who do they identify? No one. Just a vague commentary in which they paint dissenting opinions with a very wide brush and lump them all into a group called Rightwing Extremists.
So, if you happen to be against illegal immigration, or you are against the way the government is handling the current financial crisis, or if you are a legal gun owner, or if you are or heaven forbid, ever served your country honorably as a member of the United States military…. You might just be a "rightwing extremist."
"Torches and Pitchforks - Protecting Americans from Politicians since 1791."
(For the uninitiated, that statement is of course dripping in sarcasm)
Today, April 16, 2009 , Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano apologized to veterans after a report issued by her department said troops returning from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were at risk for being recruited by rightwing extremists. I use the term “apologized” very loosely. What she actually said was “To the extent veterans read it as an accusation ... an apology is owed.” Oh, okay, well if you were just simply offended by it I guess you can just go to hell.
Is this woman inhaling something?
The Department of Homeland Security is now hinting that returning vets might be a security risk because they are trained soldiers. Following that logic, I guess DHS Secretary Napolitano might potentially be a prostitute, I think she has the equipment.
That might have sounded a little harsh, but I have a huge problem with my government slighting our military veterans.
Here is what the report "Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment," said:
(U//FOUO) The possible passage of new restrictions on firearms and the return of military veterans facing significant challenges reintegrating into their communities could lead to the potential emergence of terrorist groups or lone wolf extremists capable of carrying out violent attacks.
(U//FOUO) Proposed imposition of firearms restrictions and weapons bans likely would attract new members into the ranks of rightwing extremist groups, as well as potentially spur some of them to begin planning and training for violence against the government. The high volume of purchases and stockpiling of weapons and ammunition by rightwing extremists in anticipation of restrictions and bans in some parts of the country continue to be a primary concern to law enforcement.
(U//FOUO) Returning veterans possess combat skills and experience that are attractive to rightwing extremists. DHS/I&A is concerned that rightwing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to boost their violent capabilities.
And here is the crazy thing, who do they identify? No one. Just a vague commentary in which they paint dissenting opinions with a very wide brush and lump them all into a group called Rightwing Extremists.
So, if you happen to be against illegal immigration, or you are against the way the government is handling the current financial crisis, or if you are a legal gun owner, or if you are or heaven forbid, ever served your country honorably as a member of the United States military…. You might just be a "rightwing extremist."
"Torches and Pitchforks - Protecting Americans from Politicians since 1791."
Monday, April 6, 2009
In Memory of DASY
Last Thursday, April 1st, 2009, at 0100, DASY, a beautiful yellow Labrador was executed by four walking pieces of shit in Texas. DASY was their last victim, shot with a .357 Magnum, but not their first. They have been doing this sort of thing for kicks. DASY’s death might have just been another in a continuing string if not for her owner, who heard the shot and went to investigate.
DASY was not just another dog. She was given to her owner to help in his rehabilitation. You see, her owner is Retired U.S. Navy SEAL, Petty Officer 1st Class Marcus Luttrell, recipient of the Navy Cross and Purple Heart. PO1 Luttrell was the lone survivor of a 2005 Taliban attack in the Hindu-Kush mountains of Afghanistan. DASY was named after the four members of Marcus’ squad, three of whom were killed during Operation Redwing.
After hearing the shot, Marcus went to investigate and found the four vermin who then fled in their car. Marcus jumped into his truck and chased them through four counties before cops were able to setup a roadblock and apprehend them. Now here’s the kicker, after they are caught they have the audacity to threaten Marcus’ life! Had they only realized how close they came to forfeiting their own lives that night.
There are no words to explain this. My heartfelt prayers go out to Marcus.
As we all know, crimes against animals are rarely prosecuted aggressively, absent public outcry. As of this writing they are only facing a potential two year sentence for animal cruelty, and that is only for two of them. Two others have been let go. I urge everyone to either call or write David Weeks, the Walker County District Attorney, (936) 435-2441 Fax (936) 435-2449, and demand that every possible charge be leveled against these individuals and that all sentences run consecutively.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
A Tale of Two Immigration Policies
There seems to be so much going on in the news lately about Immigration, more specifically illegal immigration. The current administration, along with the sentiment on Capitol Hill, seems to be horrified against taking any action against illegal immigrants. Even to the point of “re-thinking” laws and changing enforcement policy at Immigration & Customs Enforcement.
As I noted recently, 28 Illegal Immigrants were arrested during a raid by I.C.E. in Bellingham, Washington. One would assume that these “illegals” would simply be deported. But no, they are being allowed to stay in return for their cooperation in the investigation against their employer.
Meanwhile, half a world a way, we have another tale.
Jasim, (not his real name for security reasons) an Iraqi translator who has earned commendations for risking his life repeatedly to save the lives of many American soldiers in combat has been denied a visa to live in the United States. The State Department has denied his visa because he was arrested in 1996 for nonviolent actions he took to overthrow Saddam Hussein. The ironic thing is that these actions were consistent with the position of the U.S. government which was calling for regime change in Iraq.
Because of his meritorious service to the United States Military, his life is at greater risk the longer he stays in Iraq, this according to multiple State Department and U.S. military officials. You see, Iraqi translators are seen by jihadists and former Baathists as "traitors." Many translators, and their families, have already been tortured and/or murdered. In fact, this man’s stepbrother was captured in the fall of 2007 and was tortured to death in an effort to get to him. The U.S. Army officer who received and processed the report said that the stepbrother was tortured with an electric drill through his eyes.
U.S. military officials familiar with his case believe that he will be in greater danger after U.S. forces withdraw from most of Iraq next year. The State Department, meanwhile, has said that he must wait three more years before he can apply for a waiver of its visa rejection.
I mentioned that he has earned commendations for his service. Want to know what this person has done for us. Consider the words of our military personnel who were there. Three different Americans who served with him in Iraq said that they are alive today because of him.
"The only reason I am here today is because of Jasim," said U.S. Army specialist Elisabeth Keene, who serves in a combat unit. "He saved the life of everyone in my unit. "On several occasions while our guys were putting rounds down range, Jasim put himself in harm's way to pull the wounded out and treat them," Keene said. "Jasim is a hero to everyone he has ever met."
"I owe my life to Jasim ... hands down," said Master Sgt. Jason Krieger, who went on over 200 combat patrols with Jasim. "I consider him a brother, not only in arms, but in love as well."
U.S. Army Captain Joseph Schwankhaus wrote about one day in particular when Jasim performed multiple heroic acts. "While establishing security positions around a patrol that was struck by an IED, Jasim single handedly removed a wounded soldier from a disabled vehicle and ensured that he was treated by the company medic. During this security cordon, another soldier was shot in the head by a sniper and a large fire fight ensued. Jasim, while under direct enemy fire provided cover for the wounded soldier while medical personnel rendered life-saving first aid."
Schwankhaus stated emphatically, "His dedication to my soldiers and his total disregard for his own personal safety assisted in saving the life of a very good Non-Commissioned Officer."
What the hell has happened to this country?
We release people here that have been lawfully arrested, we handcuff law enforcement and prevent them from taking action, and our misguided politicians hail illegals as “patriotic.” Yet, when given the opportunity to provide a better life to someone who is a real “Patriotic Hero,” someone who “followed the rules” and “legally” requested to come to this country, he is callously rejected because he had the audacity to do the very thing this government was encouraging Iraqi’s to do.
Hey buddy, you survived Iraq, try Tijuana. From there I am sure you can get a shuttle to San Francisco and be welcomed as a true “patriotic” hero as well!!!!!!!!
Wake up America, the inmates have taken over the asylum!!
"Torches and Pitchforks - Protecting Americans from Politicians since 1791."
As I noted recently, 28 Illegal Immigrants were arrested during a raid by I.C.E. in Bellingham, Washington. One would assume that these “illegals” would simply be deported. But no, they are being allowed to stay in return for their cooperation in the investigation against their employer.
Meanwhile, half a world a way, we have another tale.
Jasim, (not his real name for security reasons) an Iraqi translator who has earned commendations for risking his life repeatedly to save the lives of many American soldiers in combat has been denied a visa to live in the United States. The State Department has denied his visa because he was arrested in 1996 for nonviolent actions he took to overthrow Saddam Hussein. The ironic thing is that these actions were consistent with the position of the U.S. government which was calling for regime change in Iraq.
Because of his meritorious service to the United States Military, his life is at greater risk the longer he stays in Iraq, this according to multiple State Department and U.S. military officials. You see, Iraqi translators are seen by jihadists and former Baathists as "traitors." Many translators, and their families, have already been tortured and/or murdered. In fact, this man’s stepbrother was captured in the fall of 2007 and was tortured to death in an effort to get to him. The U.S. Army officer who received and processed the report said that the stepbrother was tortured with an electric drill through his eyes.
U.S. military officials familiar with his case believe that he will be in greater danger after U.S. forces withdraw from most of Iraq next year. The State Department, meanwhile, has said that he must wait three more years before he can apply for a waiver of its visa rejection.
I mentioned that he has earned commendations for his service. Want to know what this person has done for us. Consider the words of our military personnel who were there. Three different Americans who served with him in Iraq said that they are alive today because of him.
"The only reason I am here today is because of Jasim," said U.S. Army specialist Elisabeth Keene, who serves in a combat unit. "He saved the life of everyone in my unit. "On several occasions while our guys were putting rounds down range, Jasim put himself in harm's way to pull the wounded out and treat them," Keene said. "Jasim is a hero to everyone he has ever met."
"I owe my life to Jasim ... hands down," said Master Sgt. Jason Krieger, who went on over 200 combat patrols with Jasim. "I consider him a brother, not only in arms, but in love as well."
U.S. Army Captain Joseph Schwankhaus wrote about one day in particular when Jasim performed multiple heroic acts. "While establishing security positions around a patrol that was struck by an IED, Jasim single handedly removed a wounded soldier from a disabled vehicle and ensured that he was treated by the company medic. During this security cordon, another soldier was shot in the head by a sniper and a large fire fight ensued. Jasim, while under direct enemy fire provided cover for the wounded soldier while medical personnel rendered life-saving first aid."
Schwankhaus stated emphatically, "His dedication to my soldiers and his total disregard for his own personal safety assisted in saving the life of a very good Non-Commissioned Officer."
What the hell has happened to this country?
We release people here that have been lawfully arrested, we handcuff law enforcement and prevent them from taking action, and our misguided politicians hail illegals as “patriotic.” Yet, when given the opportunity to provide a better life to someone who is a real “Patriotic Hero,” someone who “followed the rules” and “legally” requested to come to this country, he is callously rejected because he had the audacity to do the very thing this government was encouraging Iraqi’s to do.
Hey buddy, you survived Iraq, try Tijuana. From there I am sure you can get a shuttle to San Francisco and be welcomed as a true “patriotic” hero as well!!!!!!!!
Wake up America, the inmates have taken over the asylum!!
"Torches and Pitchforks - Protecting Americans from Politicians since 1791."
Pittsburgh Police LOD
In Valor There is Hope
On Saturday, April 4th, 2009, three members of the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Police Department were killed in the line of duty.
The slain officers were identified as Eric Kelly, 41, Stephen Mayhle, 29, and Paul Sciullo III, 37. Two other officers were injured during the incident as well.
Officers Sciullo and Mayhle were both shot in the head by the perpetrator who ambushed them when they responded to the initial 911 call. Officer Kelly, who was off-duty, and going home, heard the call and responded to back up the officers and was also killed trying to save them.
These officers, like every other, put on their uniforms every day in this country and put their lives on the line for each and every one of us. Like our much under-appreciated military, these brave men and women put themselves into harms way each and everyday to protect us.
Please keep them & their families in your prayers.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
I.C.E. Conducts Raid, DHS Secretary “Shocked”
OK, blood is probably going to shoot out of your eye balls, but here goes.
Back in February, agents of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (I.C.E.) conducted a raid of an auto parts plant in Bellingham, Wash., netted 28 illegal immigrants. You probably saw it covered on the news.
For those of you living under a rock, the United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (I.C.E.) is a component of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Its mission is “to protect national security by enforcing our nation's customs and immigration laws.” This is from their website, so I have to believe it is an accurate description of their designated mission.
So, by and large, their actions on February 24th were consistent with their mission of “enforcing our nation's customs and immigration laws.”
So how exactly is that working out?
The raid was the first, and only, mass arrest of immigrants since President Obama took office. It also came as a shock to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, who ordered a review of the incident the day after.
"I didn't know about it beforehand," she told the House Homeland Security Committee the morning following the raid. "I want to get to the bottom of this as well." This behavior is known in Washington as the weasel backstroke.
It seems that I.C.E.’s pesky little mission statement might not be popular with the current administration. It appears that the Obama administration is under the belief that the law concerning illegal immigration isn’t the best one to enforce. Similar to the belief that paying taxes are only for the "little people." I refer you back to my entry on Dear Speaker Pelosi’s comments in March. It seems that they would rather go after the owners of the companies instead.
Immigrant groups say the release was a humane act that is keeping families together and allowing them to earn a decent living.
Yes, lovely…………and in related news, next week pro-burglary groups will testify on Capitol Hill that incarcerating homeowners who install burglar alarms will allow their group the opportunity to earn decent livings as well.
So what happened to the twenty-eight illegals that were arrested? 1 was actually deported. Holy crap, how unlucky do you actually have to be? What the heck was this guy wanted for? Mass-Murderer? Pedophile? Rapist? Campaigning for McCain-Palin?
So twenty-seven actually got to stay and received work cards to allow them to continue working during the investigation. Did I mention they are here illegally? Yeah, not so much a problem anymore.
Oh, guess what they are going to do now? The ILLEGALS get to stay cause they are cooperating with an ongoing investigation of their employer, Yamato Engine Specialists.
Hmmmmmmm I wonder if they will get bonuses for that?
This morning I woke up thinking “Where am I? Why is it so damn hot? And how did I windup in this Hand-basket?”
"Torches and Pitchforks - Protecting Americans from Politicians since 1791."
Government Math
I think I have finally figured out what the problem is. Our elected officials are mathematically challenged!
Now I am sure you are asking how I came up with this theory. Well it is simple actually. First, take a look at the recent issues in the Housing / Banking industries. According to our politicians, who are in charge of oversight in these industries, they saw nothing wrong and felt that they were financially stable.
Also, consider the recent spate of tax issues that “the best & the brightest” have had recently. I mean, first you have the Treasury Secretary and he screwed up over $30K. Then you had the Health & Human Services nominee and he messed up over $145K, and now Kathleen Sebelius, the new Health & Human Services nominee, has her own issues. Apparently she is much better because her math problems only amount to $7k.
I was thinking it was all intentional, until today. You see, that’s when I had the “light bulb” moment.
Our Government just cannot understand math………. At least not in the way “we the people” have all been taught.
Consider the following statement:
“90 percent of the weapons used to commit crimes in Mexico come from the United States."
Simple enough right. If this was a standard text book question, you could easily deduce that out of 100 weapons, 90 were from the United States. Correct? Good, follow me here.
Who made this statement you ask? Well, apparently a lot of our so called whiz kids.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said it to reporters on a flight to Mexico City.
California democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein said it at a Senate hearing. Actually she went further stating: "It is unacceptable to have 90 percent of the guns that are picked up in Mexico and used to shoot judges, police officers and mayors ... come from the United States."
Even a top law enforcement official, William Hoover, assistant director for field operations at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, testified in the House of Representatives that "there is more than enough evidence to indicate that over 90 percent of the firearms that have either been recovered in, or interdicted in transport to Mexico, originated from various sources within the United States."
So, upon review it is clear that 90% is 90%......... right? Not so quick zippy, you see we are talking government math here. And that’s not really so black and white.
When is 90% not really 90% you ask? Well, when it is only about 17%.
Folks, either the Government is filled with academically challenged individuals, or they are lying to us… Again.
You see, there is a shred of truth to the theory of 90%, and here it is:
"………over 90 percent of the traced firearms originate from the U.S."
So what’s the problem you ask? Ah, you missed it didn’t you. Look closely and you will see one little problem and that is “traced.” Here it is, in actual black and white.
In 2007-2008, according to the ATF, 11,000 guns were submitted to the ATF for tracing. Close to 6,000 were successfully traced and of those, 90 percent (5,114 to be exact), were found to have come from the U.S. (according to testimony in Congress by William Hoover)
But in those same two years, according to the Mexican government, 29,000 guns were recovered at crime scenes. In other words, 68 percent of the guns that were recovered were never submitted for tracing. And when you weed out the roughly 6,000 guns that could not be traced from the remaining 32 percent, it means 83 percent of the guns found at crime scenes in Mexico could not be traced to the U.S.
Here is what I do know.
From the attorney general on down, everyone seems to be looking to tie the violence and problems in Mexico to firearms here in an effort to enact more restrictions against legal civilian ownership.
Now, irregardless of your position on the topic of gun control, you have to ask yourself this question. If the government, which you elected, has no qualms of lying to you to pursue their agenda, what else would they be willing to lie to you about?
So folks, it’s your call to make, mathematically challenged, or bold faced liars? It’s getting so lately that I can’t even tell anymore.
"Torches and Pitchforks - Protecting Americans from Politicians since 1791."
Now I am sure you are asking how I came up with this theory. Well it is simple actually. First, take a look at the recent issues in the Housing / Banking industries. According to our politicians, who are in charge of oversight in these industries, they saw nothing wrong and felt that they were financially stable.
Also, consider the recent spate of tax issues that “the best & the brightest” have had recently. I mean, first you have the Treasury Secretary and he screwed up over $30K. Then you had the Health & Human Services nominee and he messed up over $145K, and now Kathleen Sebelius, the new Health & Human Services nominee, has her own issues. Apparently she is much better because her math problems only amount to $7k.
I was thinking it was all intentional, until today. You see, that’s when I had the “light bulb” moment.
Our Government just cannot understand math………. At least not in the way “we the people” have all been taught.
Consider the following statement:
“90 percent of the weapons used to commit crimes in Mexico come from the United States."
Simple enough right. If this was a standard text book question, you could easily deduce that out of 100 weapons, 90 were from the United States. Correct? Good, follow me here.
Who made this statement you ask? Well, apparently a lot of our so called whiz kids.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said it to reporters on a flight to Mexico City.
California democrat Sen. Dianne Feinstein said it at a Senate hearing. Actually she went further stating: "It is unacceptable to have 90 percent of the guns that are picked up in Mexico and used to shoot judges, police officers and mayors ... come from the United States."
Even a top law enforcement official, William Hoover, assistant director for field operations at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, testified in the House of Representatives that "there is more than enough evidence to indicate that over 90 percent of the firearms that have either been recovered in, or interdicted in transport to Mexico, originated from various sources within the United States."
So, upon review it is clear that 90% is 90%......... right? Not so quick zippy, you see we are talking government math here. And that’s not really so black and white.
When is 90% not really 90% you ask? Well, when it is only about 17%.
Folks, either the Government is filled with academically challenged individuals, or they are lying to us… Again.
You see, there is a shred of truth to the theory of 90%, and here it is:
"………over 90 percent of the traced firearms originate from the U.S."
So what’s the problem you ask? Ah, you missed it didn’t you. Look closely and you will see one little problem and that is “traced.” Here it is, in actual black and white.
In 2007-2008, according to the ATF, 11,000 guns were submitted to the ATF for tracing. Close to 6,000 were successfully traced and of those, 90 percent (5,114 to be exact), were found to have come from the U.S. (according to testimony in Congress by William Hoover)
But in those same two years, according to the Mexican government, 29,000 guns were recovered at crime scenes. In other words, 68 percent of the guns that were recovered were never submitted for tracing. And when you weed out the roughly 6,000 guns that could not be traced from the remaining 32 percent, it means 83 percent of the guns found at crime scenes in Mexico could not be traced to the U.S.
Here is what I do know.
From the attorney general on down, everyone seems to be looking to tie the violence and problems in Mexico to firearms here in an effort to enact more restrictions against legal civilian ownership.
Now, irregardless of your position on the topic of gun control, you have to ask yourself this question. If the government, which you elected, has no qualms of lying to you to pursue their agenda, what else would they be willing to lie to you about?
So folks, it’s your call to make, mathematically challenged, or bold faced liars? It’s getting so lately that I can’t even tell anymore.
"Torches and Pitchforks - Protecting Americans from Politicians since 1791."