Saturday, April 4, 2009

A Tale of Two Immigration Policies

There seems to be so much going on in the news lately about Immigration, more specifically illegal immigration. The current administration, along with the sentiment on Capitol Hill, seems to be horrified against taking any action against illegal immigrants. Even to the point of “re-thinking” laws and changing enforcement policy at Immigration & Customs Enforcement.

As I noted recently, 28 Illegal Immigrants were arrested during a raid by I.C.E. in Bellingham, Washington. One would assume that these “illegals” would simply be deported. But no, they are being allowed to stay in return for their cooperation in the investigation against their employer.

Meanwhile, half a world a way, we have another tale.

Jasim, (not his real name for security reasons) an Iraqi translator who has earned commendations for risking his life repeatedly to save the lives of many American soldiers in combat has been denied a visa to live in the United States. The State Department has denied his visa because he was arrested in 1996 for nonviolent actions he took to overthrow Saddam Hussein. The ironic thing is that these actions were consistent with the position of the U.S. government which was calling for regime change in Iraq.

Because of his meritorious service to the United States Military, his life is at greater risk the longer he stays in Iraq, this according to multiple State Department and U.S. military officials. You see, Iraqi translators are seen by jihadists and former Baathists as "traitors." Many translators, and their families, have already been tortured and/or murdered. In fact, this man’s stepbrother was captured in the fall of 2007 and was tortured to death in an effort to get to him. The U.S. Army officer who received and processed the report said that the stepbrother was tortured with an electric drill through his eyes.

U.S. military officials familiar with his case believe that he will be in greater danger after U.S. forces withdraw from most of Iraq next year. The State Department, meanwhile, has said that he must wait three more years before he can apply for a waiver of its visa rejection.

I mentioned that he has earned commendations for his service. Want to know what this person has done for us. Consider the words of our military personnel who were there. Three different Americans who served with him in Iraq said that they are alive today because of him.

"The only reason I am here today is because of Jasim," said U.S. Army specialist Elisabeth Keene, who serves in a combat unit. "He saved the life of everyone in my unit. "On several occasions while our guys were putting rounds down range, Jasim put himself in harm's way to pull the wounded out and treat them," Keene said. "Jasim is a hero to everyone he has ever met."

"I owe my life to Jasim ... hands down," said Master Sgt. Jason Krieger, who went on over 200 combat patrols with Jasim. "I consider him a brother, not only in arms, but in love as well."

U.S. Army Captain Joseph Schwankhaus wrote about one day in particular when Jasim performed multiple heroic acts. "While establishing security positions around a patrol that was struck by an IED, Jasim single handedly removed a wounded soldier from a disabled vehicle and ensured that he was treated by the company medic. During this security cordon, another soldier was shot in the head by a sniper and a large fire fight ensued. Jasim, while under direct enemy fire provided cover for the wounded soldier while medical personnel rendered life-saving first aid."

Schwankhaus stated emphatically, "His dedication to my soldiers and his total disregard for his own personal safety assisted in saving the life of a very good Non-Commissioned Officer."

What the hell has happened to this country?

We release people here that have been lawfully arrested, we handcuff law enforcement and prevent them from taking action, and our misguided politicians hail illegals as “patriotic.” Yet, when given the opportunity to provide a better life to someone who is a real “Patriotic Hero,” someone who “followed the rules” and “legally” requested to come to this country, he is callously rejected because he had the audacity to do the very thing this government was encouraging Iraqi’s to do.

Hey buddy, you survived Iraq, try Tijuana. From there I am sure you can get a shuttle to San Francisco and be welcomed as a true “patriotic” hero as well!!!!!!!!

Wake up America, the inmates have taken over the asylum!!

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