Saturday, September 1, 2012

He's Back

It's amazing to me how quickly time flies by as you get older. It never flew by this quick when I was a younger man. Now the seasons seem to change before the one you are actually in has ended. It's probably all some creative plot by the advertising industry. I speculate that is the reason we begin seeing Christmas themed ad's in October now.

But since the last post my life has taken a series of twists and turns. Regrettably it stole the time that I had once allocated for writing. I don't know if I, or my posts, have been missed; but I have missed doing it. Writing has always seemed cathartic to me. My grade school English teachers would probably use the word Ironic as I quite honestly sucked. What was once an agonizing chore, has turned into a labor of love.

But, just because I have been away, doesn't mean that I have not lost any of my anger. In truth, the pathway we have been on the last few years has only served to stoke that internal flame.

Whether you agree with me or loathe me, I hope that what you read will cause you ask questions. I honestly believe that to be the root cause of where we are at today.

Civil disagreement, polite discourse, friendly debate have given way to lies, blame and slander.

If this great country continues down the path we are on I earnestly believe we will self destruct.

I am reminded of an attributed quote that says:

"A democracy is always temporary in nature; it simply cannot exist as a permanent form of government. A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates who promise the most benefits from the  public treasury, with the result that every democracy will finally collapse over loose fiscal policy, (which is) always followed by a dictatorship."

I dismiss the notion that it was actually said by the quoted person, as do many others, so I will simply leave it as anonymous. However, what is sad to me is that, in debunking the author, they simply dismiss the quote. I find that to be the real tragedy. Reread it and linger on the words. I don't care who originally said it, I wish it were me. There is a fundamental truth to those words if you listen to them. Substitute voters for politicians, it makes no difference.

Why do great empires fall ? Are we so removed that we forget our history lessons ? Or do they no longer teach these lessons ?

Corruption, ineffective political leadership, moral decline, internal strife. Why is this so difficult for us to understand? Countries fail for the same reason business' fail, for the same reasons families fail.

In 1858 Abraham Lincoln accepted the Illinois Republican parties nomination to be their Senator. In his speech he paraphrased the Gospel of Mark 3:25 when he said  "A house divided against itself cannot stand."

Those words are as true then as they are now.

I just pray that the citizens of this country will wake up before it is too late

The Angry American

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