Thursday, October 4, 2012

Debate, Debacle.

I’m not sure what I expected from last nights Presidential Debate, but I can tell you what I got was definitely not what I imagined. I’m sitting here this morning still in shock at what transpired.
For me, the onus was on Mitt Romney to step up and to, at the very least, appear human. If that was the low bar I set, I was more than pleasantly surprised.

As most of you know, I am not a fan of the President. Politically, we disagree on way too many issues for me to support him. That being said, he’s certainly an affable enough guy and we’d probably get along fine in a social setting, sans talk of politics. Last night however was not one of his shining moments politically.

However, as everyone knows, the debate last night was really about Mitt Romney. During the course of the campaign he has been maligned by the media. Let’s be clear on this point, since President Obama first came on the national political scene he has been the darling child of the media. This is okay, as long as you are honest about it. Like I said, he’s a personable guy and he had a great message of “hope and change” that unfortunately has not lived up to the hype.

To be honest, I liked the Presidents message. I believed that it resonated with many  Americans. Unfortunately, if  you looked beyond the verbiage there was little to make you feel as if it was anything more than business as usual.

However, throughout the campaign Mitt Romney had failed to connect on that visceral level with voters, especially the undecided ones. So coming into last nights debate he  certainly had something to prove and in my eyes he did.

He was prepared, engaged and passionate. He was human. He had a fire inside of him.

Romney showed the viewing audience that he knew the topics and did it in a way that was strong and yet respectful. I’m not saying I agree 100% with everything he said. There are way too many variables at play to take everything at face value. Actually, 535 variables to be exact. Trying to get even a majority of congress to agree on substantive issues is going to be one heckuva trick.

For his part, President Obama just looked uncomfortable. There were times I felt sorry for him because he, unlike Romney, didn’t really seem prepared. I thought about that for a bit and I’m actually really not that surprised. Consider for a moment how rarely the President actually attends White House Press Briefings and answers questions. I remember someone once saying that the President does a tremendous amount of “interviews.” In fact he exceeds the total number of interviews done by both Presidents Bush (43) and Clinton combined.

But these are not pressers; these are individual interviews, done in tightly controlled environments, on specific topics, and for the most part by a friendly media. The bottom line is he has almost zero experience being pressed hard. This goes back even to the 2007/08 campaign and last night it showed. At times the President looked angry, distracted, and anxious.

Now, let us be honest about the content. If there is anyone out there that who actually believes the story both men were offering was the gospel truth, you are an idiot. Which is okay, it’s one of the reasons I write this. I want you to research and look things up on your own. It harkens back to the day one of my old bosses said to me “Trust, but Verify.” If you choose not to, then you are simply a “mushroom” and should leave this page immediately.

But Romney made some very interesting points when he was talking about leadership. Remember, he was Governor of Massachusetts which will never be confused as a Republican Mecca. I have said this before, if both parties refuse to budge on anything, this country will die. Someone has to be willing to take on the role of leader and bring, not only the other party, but his party to the table and work things out for the betterment of the country. Realistically it’s going to take a LOT of work. The silly season of political campaigns and the negativity does more to tear this country apart then it does to help the electorate pick the right candidate.

The facts are easy enough to establish. This country is in dire straits and it has been the result of divisive “party” politics that has continued unchecked for decades. It has been exacerbated by unrealistic promises and programs that were made with no consideration as to our ability to pay for them.

There was one critical exchange just about half way through the debate:

ROMNEY: I have my own plan. It's not the same as Simpson-Bowles. But in my view, the president should have grabbed it. If you wanted to make some adjustments to it, take it, go to Congress, fight for it.

OBAMA: That's what we've done, made some adjustments to it, and we're putting it forward before Congress right now, a $4 trillion plan...

ROMNEY: But you've been -- but you've been president four years...
(Emphasis added)

That’s it in a nutshell. Mr. President, you’ve been in office for four years. We are not better off than we were. I have less money in my pocket and prices keeping going up. It’s simply not working. The Simpson-Bowles committee was started in February 2010, it’s October 2012.

Time is not our friend and you don’t seem to understand that. For you, life seems to revolve around Fund Raisers, Vacations and Golf. My family and I have had one vacation in all the time you have been president, and I certainly don’t have the luxury of playing golf. Those who have seen by drives down the fairway may reflect that this could be construed as a good thing.

Last night Mitt Romney showed gravitas. He showed ability, strength and he connected with the American people. I believe he does want to help and does have a plan. Will it be any better? Only time will tell but I am hard pressed to imagine how it could be much worse? And please don’t try that tired old “Romney only wants tax breaks for the rich” nonsense, my IQ isn’t quite that low.

This morning I was listening to one of the talking heads conduct a post debate spin session. They accused Romney of looking good only because he had been practicing”……… seriously?

This was a debate for who would be the next President of the United States and they are asking you to believe that preparing is somehow wrong. Wow, just when I thought it couldn't get any more absurd. I guess all of you who are parents should dissuade your children from studying for any school tests.

Last night the president looked like a defending boxing champ who spent 15 rounds hugging the ropes. Rather than trying to land punches, it looked like he was just trying to avoid being hit and eek out a win by default. Last night it didn’t work.

Today, however, the Obama campaign is hitting back. The only problem is it’s a day too late.

There just seems something very unPresidential about trying to land body shots on your opponent, the next day, while on the stump when you couldn’t do it face to face the night before.

As I sat here and watched him blast Romney, I do have to admit that he was coming across much better than last night. Then it dawned on me, he’s back on the teleprompter.

Therein lies the difference. One speaks from what he fundamentally knows the other from what he reads off the teleprompter.

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