Sunday, October 21, 2012

Fort Hood Shooting - Work Place Violence ?

The purpose of this article is not really to document the farce that has become the Fort Hood Shooting legal case. I urge you in the strongest possible way to take a moment and research it yourself. The fact that nearly four years later this administration refuses to properly label this as a terrorist act is appalling and beyond my ability to understand. Then again, this administration has been fond of saying that Al Qaeda is “on the run” as well. I guess what they don’t understand is that it is an ideology and will not be destroyed by the death of any particular leader. For a refresher, check out: Absolutely Clueless (Part Deux)
No the purpose of this article is to redirect you to the website: Truth About Fort Hood

I have always said that the sole reason for this site has been to ask you to think for yourself.  We owe it to our country, our children and ourselves to be informed citizens and not sheeple who accept everything our politicians or the media spoon feeds us.

The families and survivors or the shooting, which I professionally believe was a terrorist attack, are suffering needless because of the government’s failure to label this for what it truly was. Talk about adding insult to injury.

Consider the following:

  • The FBI intercepted at least eighteen (18) emails between Major Nidal Malik Hasan and Anwar Al-Awlaki. Al-Awlaki was a senior talent recruiter and motivator who was involved with planning operations for the Islamist militant group al-Qaeda.

  • Additionally, it has been reported that Hasan had more unexplained connections to people being tracked by the FBI than just Anwar al-Awlaki.

  • Hasan sought spiritual guidance from Al-Awlaki regarding when Jihad is appropriate and specifically asked if innocents could be killed in a suicide attack.   For the record it should be noted that Al-Awlaki was also the “spiritual advisor” for one of the 9/11 hijackers.

  • Hasan reportedly told Al-Awlaki that “I can't wait to join you" in the afterlife.

  • On his business card, which omitted his military rank, Hasan had the acronyms SoA(SWT) which, according to investigators, is commonly used on jihadist websites as an acronym for "Soldier of Allah" or "Servant of Allah", and SWT is commonly used by Muslims to mean "subhanahu wa ta'ala" (Glory to God).

  • During a military class that he was giving, Hasan reportedly went on a rant about “infidels

  • At the time of the shooting, Hasan was heard shouting "Allahu Akbar!" 

Yet, despite all of this the FBI and U.S. Army investigators determined that there was no evidence of links to terrorist groups. They concluded that his communications with Awlaki, identified as a dangerous Al Qaeda leader, posed “no threat” at the time.

Attorney General Eric Holder decided not to charge Hasan with terrorism, and it was widely debated as to whether Hasan could be called a "terrorist." The administration went a step further and labeled it “Work Place Violence.”

I’m not sure what passes for “investigator” status these days, but as a former detective, I would have been laughed out of my C.O.’s office if I tried to close a case like that. Not to mention the fact that I can guarantee you that gold shield would have been nothing but a distant memory as I was walking a foot post on Atlantic Ave and Eastern Parkway.

I guess it makes it easier to believe the argument that Hasan chose to murder 13 people and wounded 29 others in an effort to avoid being deployed to Afghanistan.

Following that line of thinking I assume that, should the current administration been in office at the time, the attacks of 9/11/01 would have been designated as "Controlled Flight Into Terrain.”

Sadly, for a moment I thought about just writing 9/11, but after Benghazi we now have to include a year. I guess that the Consulate attack can be reclassified as an “International Small Arms Ammunition Absorption Program.”

This administration has buried its proverbial head in the sand. Choosing to ignore reality and pretend that terrorism and terrorist are on the decline. This is a reality that we cannot afford. Pretending that the world really does not hate you is not a viable option. Terrorists are fundamentally opposed to our very existence. They hate the United States for who we are as a nation, not because of who is in the Oval Office.

We must adopt the policy of the late Ronald Reagan when dealing with terrorism. When he was asked about the Cold War he replied “Here's my strategy on the Cold War: We win, they lose.”

It is an utter disgrace to the memories of those brave men and women who died, or were wounded in the attack, to pretend that it was not an act of terrorism.

What world do we live in where Major Hasan is awarded the Global War on Terrorism medal, and those he killed or injured are denied the Purple Heart medal?

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