Thursday, October 25, 2012

Here we go again…….. Planned Parenthood Lie

In 2008, as part of his “Hope & Change” tour, President Obama pledged to change the tone in Washington. Needless to say, that hasn’t happened. Today Washington is as divisive as it has ever been and the President, his Vice President, and all his surrogates are running around calling the candidate, Mitt Romney, a Liar. Not exactly the change that we had all hoped for.

But what about the President? Is he being open and honest with us?

Recently during the “town hall” debate, President Obama once again persisted in perpetuating the myth that Planned Parenthood provides mammograms. Specifically he said “millions of women all across the country who rely on Planned Parenthood for . . . mammograms.”

The truth is they don’t. Planned Parenthood has neither the license nor the machines. The most they can do is refer women to mammogram providers, something any woman can do by opening the local phone book or search on line via Google. Yet I hear this argument being made constantly.

People, this is but one lie, there are countless others. You just have to be willing to open your eyes and ears and do some digging. Forget the media, think of them as your kids. I don’t care how much you love them, cherish them, and believe they can do no wrong. If you saw smoke coming from your kitchen, would you accept little Johnny or Sue’s reassuring claim that everything is alright?

I am not saying that both campaigns don’t engage in this type of behavior, but when I hear one side engaging in a constant barrage of “liar, liar” it makes me wonder what THEY are lying about. In the case of the President, it’s looking more and more like he should take heed of the old biblical verse “physician, heal thyself.”

We the people deserve better and quite honestly we should demand better. If we go around just believing every spoonful of drivel that is hand fed to us, without checking for ourselves, then we deserve what we get.

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