Saturday, November 3, 2012

Las Vegas, Baby!

What is it about this President that he doesn’t seem to understand the concept of propriety? As in “Yes you can do it, but no it’s not really the proper thing to do.”

Case in point, Vegas II (as if Vegas I wasn’t bad enough).

I’ve never been there before, I heard it’s nice. But I have to question for a moment whether anyone is alive above the neck in D.C. that they think this is a really good idea.

First let me say that I understand this is the end of the campaign road and I appreciate the president wanting to get out their and press the flesh and rally the troops. But at what point do you question if it’s a good idea.

The truth is, sometimes the role of the president is simply to “look presidential.” To say, “If you don’t know me, don’t know what I stand for, then these next few days are not going to matter anyway.”

Send out a surrogate and make a video to play saying “I’m saddened that I can’t be with you today, but there are a lot of people that are going to a horrible situation back on the east coast and I feel it is my responsibility to be here to make sure they are getting what they need to survive and rebuild.”


Consider for a moment what these images say:

September 11th- 12th, 2012

October 31stNovember 1st, 2012

I scratch my head some days and ask myself if they are really trying to “win” the election. If they are in fact trying to win, that’s even scarier to me because it means they honestly don’t care what we think about what they do.

Seriously Mr. President, some people in New York City have lost their loved ones and everything they ever owned, in some cases they are dumpster diving for food, and you think it’s a smart move to fly out to a fundraiser in Vegas with Eva Longoria? 

People in the hardest hit communities are still waiting for federal help to arrive, and in some instances recovering their own dead, while administration officials hold press conferences and pat themselves on the back for the outstanding job they are doing.

Really? Is this what you mean by “Forward” ?

November 6th – Vote as if the future of this country depends on it. It Does!

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