Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving Day 2012

What do we have to be thankful for?

It’s an interesting question and in light of the recent election I wondered what it is we are really thankful for.

It seems to me this country has changed and I am not at all convinced it is in a good way. I am a firm believer that we need not agree 100% on all things, but the more I watch the goings on in this country I am convinced that we are heading down paths of such extreme division that will ultimately lead to our destruction.

I got this cartoon sent to me the other day. In an attempt at humor, it drives home a very powerful point. We have changed dramatically since WWII. While I certainly believe that same spirit is present in this country, it is not the dominant factor anymore.

Would the United States be the “Greatest Generation” if the folks today lived back then? I don’t think so.

If you lean to the right, you are probably shaking your head in agreement. If you lean to the left, you most likely just scoffed and are ready to dismiss this as drivel. Either way, please read on.

First, I didn’t vote for the President the first time around, or the second. We simply disagree on too many issues. I will be honest and say that I don’t think the last two Republican contenders were much better. Sadly, I think it is a condemnation of our political system as a whole.

Seriously, look at what is in Washington, D.C. and ask your self “are these people for real?”

For instance, Benghazi.

Four American’s died and we are being lied to. It really is that simple. It’s been over seventy days now and the latest tale is this:

The CIA director knew it was al Qaeda within twenty four hours, but originally hinted to congress that it might be related to a video, but then told congress that it was terror in the intel report that went to the White House, that was changed to say something different, but no one knows who changed it, and the Director of National Intelligence said to congress that he didn’t change it, until a few days later when his office said oh yeah we did change it, and the president called it terror the day after, but then the UN Ambassador said it was a video five days later, but we shouldn’t beat up on her because she went out at the request of the White House, armed with the talking points someone changed, but no one knows who, and she knew nothing about Benghazi in the first place, and so they need to lay off go after him, the President, but he doesn’t know anything because it is still under investigation, and despite a previous bombing on the consulate, requests for additional security from the Ambassador and the head of the DOD security team, an assassination attempt on the British Ambassador and RPG attack on the Red Cross, he wasn’t aware of any credible threats……….”

The only thing missing is a photo of Abbott and Costello.

Remove politics from it please, it’s insulting. Is there anyone out there that truly feels that the only reason the questions are being raised is because of racism?  Or some alleged war on women? Seriously?

Please, we live in an era that we have almost instantaneous access to information. You do not need to rely on Fox, MSNBC, CNN or any other news format. Would it hurt you to do some research, rather than listen to talking heads and politicians? Here’s a novel thought, just because they say it with colorful prose or sinister undertones does not make it true.

President Obama won the popular vote both elections. 9.5 million votes the first time and 4 million the second time. The Presidents cabinet, federal agency heads, congress and the senate are extremely diversified and yet ANYTIME someone disagrees with something coming from this administration the first thing we hear is that it is racism or a war on women.

Bullshit, plain unadulterated Bullshit.

This administration is lying on the issue of Benghazi and if I call them on it don’t insult me by calling me a racist.

Please, by all means, argue with me on facts, just not some pedantic talking point about how I just don’t like the president because of his skin color. Sheesh, what are we in the third grade?

Maybe I am wrong to expect so much, considering these yahoos voted on a health care bill equal to 1/6th of the national economy without reading it! In case you think I am just into bashing one side, I’m an equally opportunity nitwit basher. I get rather annoyed when my intelligence is insulted by either side of the aisle. When I go into the voting booth I vote based on the person, not the party.

And how about this whole “fiscal cliff” nonsense. OK, listen up. The whole sequestration thing, Bullshit. Don’t sit here and claim doom and gloom with me. We are running trillion dollar plus annual debt, we are hemorrhaging money. Yet some how the intellectual brain trusts in D.C. will have you believe that by cutting 55 billion in defense and 55 billion in non defense spending will either A: save the nation b: destroy the nation. Pick your poison depending on what party or television “news” show you watch.

Oh, you will however be delighted to know that this will all, allegedly, result in forced savings of 1.2 trillion dollars by: 2021…… I’m so thankful for that. Our national debt will only be about 30 trillion by then. Wow dodged a bullet on that one.

Actually, I think my favorite is the “tax the rich” theory. That’s really going to fix things here. Lets see, we piss money away like a drunken sailor in a Singapore port of call, or a college kid with mom and dads credit cards, and yet somehow by taxing the rich we are going to solve everything…………..uh huh.

Let’s see, wouldn’t it be great to just redistribute the entire wealth of the Forbes 400!!  Why settle for 40, 50, or even 60 percent when we can just take it all. And what could we do with that massive combined wealth. Well the way those good stewards of our money in Washington run things, we could run the government for a whopping…..year.

That’s right folks. Taking 100% of the combined wealth of the Forbes 400 would make up for one year of spending. So what do we do next year?

Here’s the plain truth. We spend more than we earn. In what alternate universe are we living where spending even more is going to restore our savings? The only way to fix things is to make really tough choices and say suck it up.

But we can’t do that now can we? I mean how would those politicians get reelected if they didn’t promise to give everything away?

Wake up America, your politicians lie. They’ve been doing it for decades upon decades and they are getting really good at it. Have success? Take the credit. Have failure? Blame the other side. Bullshit.

Here is what I want a politician to say:

My fellow Americans, we have officially hit rock bottom and begun to dig. I’d like to tell you it’s going to be okay, but I’d be lying to you. Ironically that is the reason why we are in the position we are in. Too many lies and not enough truth. All I can do is make you three promises, none of which involve free shit. If you’re looking for free stuff leave, go vote for the other guy. He’ll promise you all you need and more. Then the day he can’t deliver he’ll just blame someone else anyway.

Let’s agree that we are not going to agree on everything. If we are pooh poohing about constitutional stuff we are just wasting time. Don’t like guns, don’t shoot. It’s a simple concept. I mean let’s be honest here. What do you think is more likely to be successful, making more laws for law abiding citizens to follow or actually enforcing the laws already on the books that criminals, by their very nature, flaunt? Seems sort of like a no-brainer to me. Instead of dumbing down America to the lowest common denominator why don’t we begin to hold all people to a higher standard?

If you think the government should care for you from cradle to grave you and I are never going to agree, so leave now before we waste anymore time. If you think the government is good at taking care of people all I have to say is one word: FEMA. We have nothing more to talk about.

What I can promise you is this:

Number One, it’s going to hurt. Ever hear the saying you need rain before you see a rainbow? Well, in order to get this country back on track you’re going to see more rain then Noah did by day 39. Sorry, that’s just the reality of the situation. You elected them, they wasted your money. I can’t promise you prosperity when all they left in the savings accounts were IOU’s. Take it up with them. But I can say that if we all work together and we all put on our big boy and big girl pants things will slowly get better. Your choice.

Number Two, I will work with anyone to fix this country. However, if I get any nonsense from my “esteemed colleagues” you’re going to know about it. This “gentleman” or “gentlewoman” nonsense has to go. Just because someone is elected to office doesn’t make them "not a horse’s ass" sometimes. I’m going to tell you I tried to “A” or “B” but so-so got in the way. Then their constituents can take it up with them. The best disinfectant is sunlight and I think that if people do something they should be willing to stand up and account for their actions. Voting because the party says yea or nay is insulting to the people of this great Nation who deserve more.

And finally:

Number Three. This is my first and only campaign, period. When I am up for re-election, either re-elect me or send me home. I’m not going to waste your time, and mine, running for re-election. Either you know what I did or you don’t. Me running around trying to convince you that I deserve to be re-elected seems to me just a tad disingenuous. If you like what I did, vote for me again; if you don’t know what I did you honestly shouldn’t be voting anyway, your part of the damn problem. Truth is I can’t see pissing away money on a re-election campaign when I am trying to tell you I want to save your money. It’s kind of dumb don’t you think? Want to do something constructive with your money? Donate to a charity.”

WOW, wouldn’t that be a breath fresh air?

As I consider the question I originally proposed I have come to the conclusion that I am thankful that the vast majority of the “greatest generation” are not here to see what has become of the country they fought for.

The generation that I see today is split. One is fixated on what the government can do for them, the other is willing to give everything for their fellow Americans. That is sad to me.  In closing I will ask you to read the following and ask yourself which one do you admire more, the taker or the giver?

From the Medal of Honor Citation awarded posthumously to
Lieutenant (SEAL) Michael P. Murphy, United States Navy

“Despite the intensity of the firefight and suffering grave gunshot wounds himself, Murphy is credited with risking his own life to save the lives of his teammates. Murphy, intent on making contact with headquarters, but realizing this would be impossible in the extreme terrain where they were fighting, unhesitatingly and with complete disregard for his own life moved into the open, where he could gain a better position to transmit a call to get help for his men.

Moving away from the protective mountain rocks, he knowingly exposed himself to increased enemy gunfire.  This deliberate and heroic act deprived him of cover and made him a target for the enemy.  While continuing to be fired upon, Murphy made contact with the SOF Quick Reaction Force at Bagram Air Base and requested assistance. He calmly provided his unit’s location and the size of the enemy force while requesting immediate support for his team. At one point he was shot in the back causing him to drop the transmitter. Murphy picked it back up, completed the call and continued firing at the enemy who was closing in.  Severely wounded, Lt. Murphy returned to his cover position with his men and continued the battle.”

On second thought I am thankful for men like Lt. Murphy, and all those who continue to put themselves in harms way each and every day; who believe that America is best defined by these virtues and not from the corruption that is so pervasive in our Nation’s capitol.

On this Thanksgiving Day, remember those who have made this country great through their sacrifice, their sweat and all too often their blood. May God bless you all, and May God Bless America.

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