Thursday, March 7, 2013

Buy Ammo = Anger Management

Florida State Sen. Audrey Gibson (D-Jacksonville) has drafted legislation that would require anyone purchasing ammunition to complete an anger management program first.

Politicians,……….. I’d laugh but it really is just becoming sad.

Seriously, the pain starts on the left side of my brain, creeps over to the right and seems to paralyze me. I’d say it’s a bad thing, but the pain itself keeps me from screaming when I read stories like this. I’ve found that crawling up into a fetal position helps a lot.

I’m begging someone to please tell me how this is “reasonable.”

For those of you still participating in the official D.C. Buzz Word Drinking Game, cheers.

At some point someone has to say enough. When do we, the decent, law abiding, citizens of this country stop being the subject of foolishness on the part of our “elected” officials.

I’m all for addressing the crime problem, especially in those liberal utopias known as Chicago, Los Angeles, Detroit, Washington, D.C., New York City, etc….

But the problem is nothing is being done to address the actual problem. They know it; they understand that when it comes to actually doing something constructive they are all talk and no action.

The issue of violence in this country is like a Rubik’s Cube. If you are only focused on one color, it is easy and looks good up on a shelf. But at the end of the day you utterly failed on five other sides!

If you don’t believe that you are naïve and there is no point in you reading any further.

Experience has shown me that there are only two things that politicians love, the camera and getting re-elected. Aside from that tackling an issue doesn’t seem to be very high. Truth is fixing the problem is hard work, lip service and stupid laws are easy.

Here is the proposed legislation:

It is unlawful to: A) Sell ammunition to another person who does not present certification that he or she has successfully completed an anger-management program consisting of at least 2 hours of online or face-to-face instruction in anger-management techniques. The certification must be renewed every 10 years. B) Purchase or otherwise obtain ammunition by fraud, false pretense, or false representation.”

I just wanted to make sure I get this right, when the Department of Homeland Security puts out a bid for 1.6 billion rounds of ammunition, who goes to the anger management session, DHS Secretary Napolitano or the local agency head in Florida?

Oh that’s right, this isn’t about “them” it’s about you………… how silly of me.

I do have one question that is nagging at me. If this passes and you are required to attend anger management, would this type of “counseling” be seen as mental health treatment?

Most people who attend are looking for some type of coping mechanism because of anger issues which are often indicative of mental health issues. Could this attendance then be used to preclude you from having guns in the future, or do you get some sort of “nope, he is not angry and has no mental health issues” certificate?

Sounds like another well thought out piece of legislation.

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