Saturday, March 23, 2013

NYS Gun Law - Revisited

I previously wrote about the newly enacted gun control measure in New York State.

At the time I told you that NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo was wrong and that it amounted to nothing more than political grandstanding on the heels of a tragedy.

Now comes this little gem from the dear governor.

"There is no such thing as a seven bullet magazine. That doesn't exist. So you really have no practical option."

WOW, you think maybe this would have been something they thought of "before" they rushed in to enact legislation?

Of course the answer is no, simply because this isn't about addressing a problem as much as it is about pushing an agenda.

It's tantamount to bringing your car into the mechanic because the engine is making a funny noise and him turning up the volume on your car radio because it would be to hard to figure out how to solve the problem.

Cuomo has no interest in fixing things. He along with others like NYC "Nanny" Mike Bloomberg, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel, and a host of gun haters in D.C. simply abhor firearms and want them gone. This isn't about addressing crime, this is about their personal agenda of getting rid of guns.

They sell their story under the guise of protecting our children, but the one question they will not answer is how they think that implementing this law will actually stop a criminal.

Call me crazy, but I think that someone who has made up his mind to kill someone is not going to let something like a magazine ban slow him down. I don't envision this conversation occuring anytime in the near future: "Ya know, I was going to wipe out that classroom, but there are ten kids and my magazine only holds seven rounds. So I went out and volunteered my time in a soup kitchen instead."

What happens when they take away the guns and crime doesn't go away? Ask Australia and England how their grand plan worked out. But I promise you this, once they are gone you will never get them back.

And in case you missed the point, that is exactly what they want.

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