Monday, September 22, 2008

In the beginning......

Welcome to my little corner of the internet.

I started writing my personal observations on issues back in 2002. I was angry at what I was seeing in the political world as well as among the citizens of this great nation. If you are reading this from afar, that nation would be the United States of America.

I began sending my musings, in the form of personal emails, to friends and family. By and large they were very supportive and most encouraged me to continue.

Unfortunately, over the last few years my time for writing has been greatly restricted and I have not had the time to put fingers to keyboard.

However, recent events in the world of politics have driven me back and have led to the creation of this blog.

I am not shy about my opinions, some might even say “passionate”. You may or may not agree and that’s fine. I only ask that if you feel the need to comment, please remember that these are MY opinions and be respectful.

If you believe I am factually wrong about a topic, by all means point it out to me. If, on the other hand, you are only interested in shooting “positional” spitballs at me, I suggest you start your own blog.

That being said, let the show begin.

The Angry American

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