Sunday, March 22, 2009

Apparently, the madness continues

Well folks, it seems this little toxic tidal wave just won't lose steam.

Despite the outrage at the AIG bonuses being expressed by the citizens of this country, it is still unclear what is going to be done about them.

The nice folks over in Congress were kind enough to scream bloody murder, after their screw up in the "it's too important to read it all" Stimulus Bill became public. It's your typical Capitol Hill ploy; feign righteous indignation to divert attention from your culpability.

So, just to appear that they are doing enough for YOU. They came up with a colossal knee jerk reaction. They proposed taxing the bonuses at 90%!!! Now, after you get off you're endorphin induced rush, you have to take a step back and say "whoa....... how the heck can you guys do that?" After your initial question, ask yourself the even more important question "if they can do that now, could they do that in the future to whomever they choose?" Now that’s scary!!

However, it might be a moot point. The word is out that maybe the "bonus tax" is not going to be the path they go down anyway. Despite the fact that President Obama was "outraged" about the bonuses, it seems that maybe that was just a little late night "exaggeration." Word is now that the administration wants to soften the impact of bills speeding through Congress that would impose these new taxes on Wall Street bonuses.

Capitol Hill is now in Panic Overload............... They are committed to their indignation over the bonuses, but now our fearless leader is calling for them to take a step back and exercise a little restraint. It is so bad that Senators and staffers are refusing meetings and turning away phone calls lest they appear to be supporting the industry.

Disappoint the People, or Disappoint the President.......Ah the conundrum.

Remember this folks: You bailed out a company that committed fraud, your Congress folded to Treasury (administration) pressure and cut them a sweetheart deal in the Stimulus Bill which allowed them their play money, and your President seems to want to just let the whole mess slip quietly away.

Congressional Elections - 2010!!!!!

"Torches and Pitchforks - Protecting Americans from Politicians since 1791."

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