Saturday, March 21, 2009

When does the madness end ? (AIG Update)

UPDATE: (AP) Connecticut's attorney general says documents turned over to his office by American International Group Inc. shows the company paid out $218 million in bonuses, higher than the $165 million previously disclosed.

The documents show that 73 people received at least $1 million apiece, and five of those got bonuses of more than $4 million.

When does this madness end folks ?

It's early Saturday morning, I don't have the stomach for this nonsense. However, I will close with this.

Lately there has been a tremendous amount of anger and animosity directed at AIG and their employees. Some of it is well founded, but let's not overlook another group which shares it's own measure of culpability. That's right, your friendly folks at the Congress and the White House (Bush & Obama).

While AIG screwed the pooch big time, it was your self serving reps who failed to take proper action. AIG may have been "too big to let fail" but "parents" don't let their "kids" dictate the rules, or the punishment, to them. At least not effective ones. The issue of bonuses has been known for at least 5 months. If the bonuses were contractual there is nothing you can do, if congress allowed YOUR money to pay this, then maybe CONGRESS should pay YOU back out of their pockets.

Let's not forget that the stimulus bill, where this wording appears, was so important, was so incredibly time sensitive, that it HAD to be approved without reading it. We need to remember that. Which one of you would have been forced into signing anything, let alone a $787 BILLION dollar stimulus package WITHOUT READING IT !!!!!!!!

OK, enough........... I am disgusted over the collective action of these friggen Weasels.

Actually, I apologize for insulting the entire Weasel population.

"Torches and Pitchforks - Protecting Americans from Politicians since 1791."

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