Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I Agree With Who ?!?!?!?

OK, everyone get their red pens out and begin marking their calenders. The day that I thought would never come,....... I Agree with Robert Gibbs !! I Know, my brain is all a twitter even as I write this.

In all honesty, I have seen this coming for some time now. Even within the administration the cracks in the facade are beginning to appear. Truth be told, it was never going to last. From the onset way to many promises were made. While this is something that is quiet easy to promise on the campaign stump, it is quite another thing to actual deliver on when in office. Not to say that they haven't tried. Just check out the most recent spending spree for evidence of that.

But now, a year and a half into the Hope and Change Presidency, the shine is beginning to wear thin. When these fractures appear, sometimes truth manages to slip out. Which brings me to the heart of this entry which is a quote that has generated quite a bit of political heat for Mr. Gibbs: "Gibbs had harsh words for what he called "the professional left"" saying, "They will be satisfied when we have Canadian health care and we've eliminated the Pentagon. That's not reality."

Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to run out and start a local chapter of the Robert Gibbs fan club. Personally, I think he is pompous, arrogant and just a tad bit condescending. But in the immortal words of anonymous ".....even a broken clock is right twice a day."

The truth is, there is a "professional" left that are quite angry with what they see as the failings of the Obama presidency. Ironically, it is those very same people who are quite happy with vilifying anyone who they deem to be on the "radical" right. Which I believe is anyone just right of Nancy Pelosi. Which leads you to wonder, what Change did they exactly Hope for ?

This is at the core of the problems we are facing in this country. There are certainly extremes in every party, and yet when it comes down to it, you vote (generally) one of two ways: Democrat or Republican. But what you want, and what the person standing next to you wants, are generally two different things. We need to begin to rethink this two party system.

The other day I was speaking to a friend who is a self described lifelong Democrat. In his own words he said that come November he will be voting against his party. His reason was that they no longer represented his values. As we talked further it became abundantly clear that our "values" were quite similar. Which made me start thinking why we seem to be forced to choose between two parties, and why the parties seem to be so scared of anything that begins to gain public support (i.e. the Tea Party). In the end, it comes down to $$$ & power.

In my opinion Robert Gibbs was right, the Professional Left will not be happy till we have a Canadian style health care system and a complete reduction of the military. They don't like it, they never have. But what about the rest of the Democratic party ? How does one party embrace so many different view points, yet work for the same ends ? The answer, it doesn't. That's why their is so much disillusionment. It's time to begin to embrace change.

I have been a lifelong Republican, but I can say with all honesty that I have been left with my own sense of disillusionment with the politics of my Party. Come November I will cast my vote based on my opinions, not what I am being spoon fed. I will use my vote to put into office the people I feel will represent me. If they fail to live up to their obligation I will vote them out in the next election. My vote is for what is in the best interests of my Country, not my party.

So for today, Robert Gibbs and I stand arm in arm. Take the pic quickly, something tells me it won't last long.

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