Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Liar? Liar!............... (Part Deux)

I'm sitting here, having written this entry and realized, I need to re-write it....... sigh.

This originally started out as the third installment (Part Trois for continuity sake) in the lurid tale of what has become know as: Fannie, Freddie & Frank. This saga seems to have as many parts as those of George Lucas' epic tale of good vs. evil in space. And, like that great epic, it also has it's cast of questionable characters. However, given my druthers I would gladly take a Capitol building filled with Jawa's, Ugnaughts, Ewoks and the occasional Gungan, over the current occupants.

So what has your humble scribe so riled up now ? Let us begin anew............

By the end of my research it became abundantly clear to me that, while Mr. Frank's lies and tall tale's are quite entertaining, it is the media that has become the hand maiden to this rogues gallery we call our representatives. While the original Liar ? Liar ! called into question Mr. Dodd (D-Ct), this article is about the so called Fourth Estate. Sir Edmund Burke is attributed with saying that there were Three Estates in Parliament; but, in the Reporters' Gallery yonder, there sat a Fourth Estate more important far than they all. Unfortunately it seems that, rather than be the unbiased watchdog for the people, the media has become the fourth branch of government.

Appearing on Neil Cavuto's show on Fox Business the House Financial Services Chairman, Rep Barney Frank (D-Ma), now feels that Fannie and Freddie should be abolished ! Not only that, but he states that it has been his position that not everyone should own a home and contends that this housing crisis was the past administrations fault (with a little add on blame to the Clinton Admin.).

I am not sure how to handle this. I mean, my head is spinning as I write this. I would like to believe that he has finally come to his senses, but I just don't feel it. I think this is just your typical political back peddling, interspersed with the prerequisite finger pointing once again to the prior administration. So listen for yourself.

Am I missing something ? This is so outlandish, so incredible that it is almost breath taking in it's scope of political audacity. Not only is he trying to reinvent his position, but he is claiming that it was actually the republicans who were the reckless ones.

Now, it would be wrong of me to present only one side. These comments were made Aug 2010. Truth be told, this is only the latest rendition of this tale. His "renters" not "home owners" tour dates back to 2009 at least.

Now, if I limited this only to Fox News those on the left would be feigning outrage and indignation. So let's go back to January 2010 and the Larry King show. Larry actually tries to call him on it but Barney once again claims "renters" not "home owners". Sadly, there is a pesky little c-span video from 2005 that claims otherwise.

Now, lets go back to May 2010 and see what CNBC had to say about this:

And here is what troubles me most. One reporter comments at the end justifying why Mr. Frank was not called out on his lie. "It's not really good to say a Congressman's a liar.....that would be wrong."

What ?!?!?! Whoa, did he just say that ? If anyone viewing this has every had any question about the leanings of the "main stream" media, this should dispel any doubt. He also tries to claim that they were caught off guard by it and that contributed to not following up. However, as the Larry King video shows, this is not a new position and any reporter worth his salt should have been prepared.

This is the problem we are facing in this country. Elected officials who refuse to admit fault, lie to cover-up their involvement or incompetence and blame the other party to deflect the fact that they have no plan to correct or improve the situation are only one aspect of the problem. A media who believe their allegiance is to a party or an agenda can no longer be counted on to provide the truth and should be viewed with skepticism until the veracity of a story can be established.

America, stop voting by party lines and media talking points. Begin voting by principal. In this country we do not agree on all things, but we need to vote for the person we as individuals believe represent us, and not who the political parties tell us to vote for. As the above videos show, the news outlets also can no longer be counted on to provide the "unvarnished" truth. Watch accordingly.

Remember, you cannot elect, or re-elect, a thief and or liar and expect them to do good. If you are unhappy with the latest gallery of thieves, liars and charlatans, then vote them out in 2010.

Or in the immortal words of our favorite Gungan, Jar Jar Binks, "But wait! Mesa gave you complete control of the senate. Yousa have ultimate power now because of mesa. " (Sith Apprentice, 2005)

Shameless SW reference just for you Joe !!!

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