Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Healthcare – Why do I have a problem with this?

A lot is going on in DC and at the heart of it is the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare. In fact it has led to a Government shutdown, although that seems to be more of a slogan than a reality. Let’s just say that it is a “slim” down and call it a day.

Nothing ever really shuts down in Washington, except open air memorials and the ocean apparently.

So what is really going on with all of this?

Sadly, most Americans have zero clue as to what is going on. They here “talking points” and think they have a grasp but the majority of times those talking points have no foundation in truth. Like your child saying he doesn’t know how the paint got on the wall when you and he are the only ones in the house.

On one side you have Republicans saying this is a major problem (the ACA) and we need to address it now and you have Democrats on the other side saying it is the law of the land and you need to live with it.

Here is what I know:

  1. We have no Budget, haven’t had one in four years. The Senate Majority Leader refuses to take a vote on one. We are running things on a Continuing Resolution (CR). Basically a CR is like two parents who can’t agree on what to spend and not spend so they just keep plugging along and tossing things onto a credit card and lie to each other that they’ll figure it out later.

  1. Republicans have presented a number of versions of the CR, each trying to cut away a bit of the ACA. First to defund, then to delay, then to modify, etc… bottom line is this doesn’t have to do with the funding of America as it does with the funding of the ACA. But honestly, that is the roll of the Congress as outlined by the Constitution. You don’t have to agree but it is our system and if you think that it is only the Republicans that do this then you are sadly mistaken and not a student of American politics.

  1. The Democratically controlled Senate hung the “closed” sign on the chamber door and said if it doesn’t include a flat out CR, that includes full funding of the ACA, we won’t consider it and we won’t negotiated. So you are effectively at an impasse. But the Senate and President saying it is all Republicans fault is disingenuous at best.

So what is the problem with the ACA? Well, I don’t have enough time to go over everything. Honestly, it is just not a well thought out plan. If this was the private sector it would have died a long time ago. Considering that they have had years to prepare and paid out at least $300 million for the website design you would think we would have gotten something better. Maybe they should have talked to the IT guys at Google or Amazon……. Just saying.

But the fact is private companies handle much greater traffic with far less issues. Considering this was President Obama’s signature legislation you would have assumed they would have pulled out all the stops to ensure it went off without a glitch.

What I do know is that the left is right……. It is the law of the land. Congress passed it in 2010 and the President signed it into law. Remember the whole “we need to pass it to see what is in it…

So again what is the problem? Well, considering it is the “law” the President himself doesn’t seem to be able to just let it go and see what happens. Consider for a moment the following things that have been changed, not through the legal process but by executive fiat:

Medicare Cuts – Delayed
Employer Mandate – Delayed
Subsidy Verification – Delayed
Out of Pocket Caps – Delayed
Business Enrollment – Delayed
Individual Businesses / Unions – Waived (I believe the last count is 2k plus)
Congress – Waived

This by far not a complete list, but it gives you a little idea of the changes the President has made, while at the same time telling Republicans there can be no changes….. Make sense to you?

Call me crazy, but if everyone is getting a break these days, why aren’t we, as in “we the people” getting the same breaks? My personal opinion is that the delay of the business mandate was put in place because they were afraid that more people would have been kicked off their company medical plans if it had been instituted and there would have been a backlash against the administration during the 2014 midterm elections. With that business delay in place we will never know.

Good political move.

It’s the same reason I think they added children up to 26 on their parents insurance. Why? Well, simple. Imagine the backlash if all of a sudden these kids had to go out and buy their own insurance. For the most part the ramifications of all of this won’t kick in until after the 2016 Presidential elections. By then it’s a moot point politically.


The administration keeps running around saying that people now have choices, but that’s really a bit of a stretch. The fact is we have always had choices….. At any time any person could shop for and purchase insurance. Sure there were always going to be some road blocks, pre-existing conditions could be problematic, but here’s a news flash: There are going to be problems with ACA!!

At the end of the day, despite all the fancy talking points, the final truth is that not everyone is going to be covered. The administration has already admitted that. The fact is that at present we have about 48 million uninsured. After the ACA is implemented we will still have about 30 million uninsured. What is most telling is that of the 30 million who will remain uninsured, 80% of them are U.S. citizens. So who exactly is benefiting from all of this?

So we had a system that provided coverage to something like 85% + and now we are going to mess around with it for what exactly? Think about how high 85% is……. Is anything that DC runs that effective? 

You need to watch this video of Jon Stewart interviewing HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, on his show. Remember, SHE is the Health and Human Services Secretary, a cabinet level position,…… Listen to Stewart’s questions and, more importantly, her “answers.”  Does she even know what is going on?

If this interview was done by anyone on the right it would have been summarily dismissed, but in the uncomfortable humor there is a lot of truth.

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