Monday, October 7, 2013

The Infamous 2013 DC "Shutdown"

I saw this photo that was taken during an event with the Democratic Progressive Caucus and furloughed federal employees on Capitol Hill in Washington, Friday, Oct. 4, 2013.

What originally caught my eye was the writing on the sign: “Set a budget – Do your job – We want to work”

I had to ask myself: “Does anyone get it?”

The other signs show photos of Republican house leadership and contend that it is the Republicans holding their jobs hostage. Here is my problem:

The Senate, under the questionable stewardship of Harry Reid has not passed a budget in four years. That is not to say that Congress has not sent them one, Reid just won’t allow a vote on them.

He is happy to continue getting by with last minute deals and funding the country on Continuing Resolutions and Debt Ceiling increases. That is an absolute disgrace.

So a note to the protestors: “The Congress did present a CR and your Democrat controlled Senate kicked it back. If Reid was interested in doing his job, and letting you do yours, they could have passed the CR and worked on the problems of the ACA which there are a LOT of problems.”

And just for the record, it is the Congress that controls the purse strings not the President. If the House chooses to not fund the Affordable Care Act that is within their purview. If the Senate refuses to accept it that does not mean that it is the Republican’s fault. It means that BOTH houses failed to reach an agreement. That is where the art of negotiation comes in. 

“My way or no way” is not bipartisanship nor is it good faith negotiation. 

Correct me if I am wrong.

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